P-P-P-Perfect Pizza Rolls!

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  As Hol looks down, he is put in complete shock. He has made the..... PERFECT PIZZA ROLLS! "Se-SEAN COME HERE RIGHT NOW." Holly shouts through out the whole entire house, even though in reality Sean is about 10-20 feet away from him. Sean grunts, Announcing that he is too fucking good to come to Holly (Holly has gotten used to Sean's grunts, and has actually started to understand them.) "SEAN COME OVER HERE RIGHT NOW YOU FUCKING FAGGOT!!!". Sean rolls off the couch, "What the FUCK do you want Ho Ho Holly." Sean walks over, Hol's annoyance pissed Sean off, and it was portrayed in his footsteps. , but then he looks at the pan. They're perfect. Golden brown, Sauce starting to ooze through them, the wonderful aroma of the artificial meat that probably causes fucking testicular cancer. They were Perfect. Sean falls back and lands on the floor, because where the fucking hell else will he land. "Ow." Sean Moans. He gets back up, and they both stare and embrace it's beauty. Angelic music was playing from the heavens. Bright yellow lights came from the Pizza Rolls. The Pizza Rolls weren't even perfect. The truth is, Hol and Sean were high as fucking balls and they both had a severe case of the munchies. This was an average day for them.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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