Intro/50 Facts About Me!

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Hello Guys and Girls! Welcome to my Rant book, I'm open to anything. I'm free to talk at anytime. To start off with this book, I'm going to tell you 50 Facts about me

Thanks to-

For all of the questions, not going to do all of them, because I'm too lazy 😂

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For all of the questions, not going to do all of them, because I'm too lazy 😂

#1 When's your birthday?
You'll never guess who I share a birthday with. The one, the only, CM Punk! Oct. 26th is my birthday, I turned 13 this year.

#2 What's your favorite band?
Shinedown, they have made a lot of good songs and they sing Monday Night RAW's theme song.

#3 What's your favorite food?
I love PB&J . So I'll just go with that.

#4 What's your favorite sport?
Soccer, but I rarely ever play it. I'm busy all of the time.

#5 What's your Zodiac Sign?

#6 What websites do you visit the most?
Youtube, Twitch, and WattPad.

#7 If the whole world was watching/listening right now, what would you say?
I would probably say something like "Fergal Devitt? Are you listening right now? I LOOOOVVVEEEE YOUUU."

#8 If you could change your name to anything, what would it be?
I like my name. Summer. Yeah, why would I want to change it?

#9 If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
I would want to live on my own island with everything except for living things.

#10 What's the last text you received?
If we're talking about from social media, it's "Same Summer, Saaaaame." If we're talking about iMessage, it's "Ok, Happy Rusev Day to you too."

#11 What's your favorite type of hat?

#11 What's your favorite type of hat?Um

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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