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It was a peaceful day in Ninjago. Sun is shining, not a single cloud. Everything is normal. Everyone's happy. Well at least it looks like that.
-Hey, guys! Wanna join a movie night? Me and Jay decided that today was perfect. - Cole said excitedly.
-Sounds good. I'll join.- Lloyd said trying to put a bucket full of water on the door.
-Another prank? Old school. I thought you already pranked everyone with this. - Jay said picking some films for tonight.
-Well, nearly everyone. I still didn't have any chances to prank Kai. He sure needs some water for his flaming anger.- Lloyd said smiling maybe imagining Kai with the bucket on his head.
-I do not think that this is idea of yours will end up well Lloyd. But I think that I will also join your entertaining night with movies. - said Zane with worried face, but that face turned into a big smile.
Just then they heard footsteps. It was like two people are coming together. Then they heard voices.
-Oh, it's Kai.~-Lloyd said with an excited tone, it also sound maniacal. Everyone just stared at the door, waiting for the victim to come, but most of them and even Lloyd himself was sure that if prank works he will be the victim.
-Hi, everyone! - said a familiar girly voice.
- Oh, no, Nya. Be careful.- Jay said and just then the bucket fell, Nya just yelped and the the hand appeared in the room and hit the bucket with water in it. Nya started to move her hands in a simple movements and water started shivering and the figure used fire rushing from his hands and water evaporated. All that happened in a few seconds, no one in the room wasn't fast enough to understand what just happened. Just the sound of the empty bucket falling on the floor woke everyone from their shock.
-What just happened? - Jay asked
-How did you do that?- asked Cole
-Sooo fast!- Lloyd said still in shock
-Why are you late? - Zane asked with his normal caring voice.
-First, just didn't let you prank Nya.- Kai answered the first question.
-By a simple evaporation process using our elemental powers. - Nya continued
-Thanks.-Kai said with a smirk
-And we had something that kept us busy. And...
-Sorry.- siblings finished looking at Zane.
-Well you two answered all the questions.-Jay said still with a confused look on his face. Nya just smiled Kai didn't respond.
-Well. Now I have question for Lloyd why did you try to prank Nya? You already pranked her with this trick. -Kai asked turning to Lloyd
- I wasn't trying to prank her. I tried to prank you. Since I never did that before.- Lloyd answered back.
Kai stayed calm as usual. Cole asked if they were going to join them. But they refused.
-Why not? Guys you two never spend time with us. -Jay started to whine again.
-Hmm... Guys is there something that's bothering you? Jay is right. You two never were close to us but now you are distanced even more ! What's the matter?- Cole asked worriedly
Everyone stared at Cole and then he realized what he said and closed his mouth with his hands. Kai looked hurt but no one even noticed. But Nya did. She was always with him. And she knows what his expressions mean even when they slightly changed. Nya wanted to do something to cheer them up and said.
-Kai, maybe they are right. Why won't we join them today? I'm sure we can finish it tomorrow.-Nya looked at Kai with puppy eyes. He was glaring at his little sister then sighed and nodded. Cole was still embarrassed by what he said without thinking and just nodded in respond, Zane smiled, Jay clapped his hands, and Lloyd was just staring still not understanding.
-So since Kai and Nya didn't get pranked that means I still can think of new ones. Mwahahahaahah.-Lloyd started laughing and others joined not counting Kai.

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