Our Tale

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"Hum..I like you!! Let's be friends!"

That's where it all started. He was a cute 5 year old and I was a rebelious 10 years old kid.
Even to this day I don't know what he saw in me. I pondered about it a lot while we where together.

When he left I could only think what had I done for him to leave me.

We were so happy. I have been looking at our photos for hours, pictures full of happiness and young energy. Pictures full of friendship and lastly, love.
Pictures which make me revive all the moments we shared.


It was my 11 years anniversary. Even though we knew each other for only 2 weeks he was my only friend so I invited him over.

We bonded easily and he often came to my house.

At 12 I went to 7th grade and he was on his 2nd grade. He was such a cutie pie. He was so smart but so young and innocent..I felt like I had to protect him.

When I turned thirteen he brought a new friend. His name was Youngjae. Youngjae was older than him but still younger than me.
He was a funny kid and we became a group of three.

At 16 I noticed how much everyone had changed. He was 11 now and his behavior was much more composed. Still he was a silly child with whom Youngjae and I liked to play.

On my 17th anniversary I invited the boys over for the weekend. He was old enough (12 years old) to come and his mother trusted me and Youngjae, who was 13 at the time, to take care of her child. The last one surprised us with the news that he got a boyfriend. His name was Daehyun and he had a brother named Junhong - very nice people, he said. This weird confession of a relationship made me think about my love life and the conclusion I got to wasn't my favourite one.

I was 18 when I finally admited I couldn't fight it and I accepted that I liked him. We had been together since little boys and I discovered I liked him. HIM. A BOY. MY FRIEND. WHO WAS FREAKING 13 YEARS OLD. I freaked out at that time. I isolated myself from all the group but especially from him. The thoughts inside my head told me I would hurt him if he stood in front of me.

Eventually my mom became worried and continuasly asked why I wouldn't hang out with the guys anymore. Apparently they had been looking for me. I felt bad at that time, I seriously did, but was somehow selfish enough to not do something about it.

Not until one of them actually broke my door. Which Zelo, like Junhong wished to be called, eventually did. Gosh that boy had energy.

None of them could understand why I distanced myself so they just made sure that wouldn't happen again. They followed me everywhere, even at a restaurant's bathroom.
Christmas came and at Christmas I was confessed to. By him. He confessed to me under a mistletoe kissing me on the cheek after. All my worries went away and I felt super happy.

Soon enough I was 24 and he was 19. We had our own appartment but we had almost no privacy since the guys would often crash at our home.

We were very happy together. The best memory of this year was when we went ice-skating. He was so clumsy and was continuously hugging me. When I did something more risky he would scold me like uncles do but soon enough he would be melting under my lips.

I took him on a trip to Thailand on Valentine's day once. He was 22 and I was 27. I was actually planning to ask his hand in marriage during our trip. It was supposed to be a wonderful 3 weeks trip. Unfortunately I came back after 2.

It was a cold afternoon when we went to a tea shop, we had been in Thailand for 4 days. The shop had a confortable enviroment and an amazing fragance was in the air. Fortunately the waiter was korean fluent so we communicated with no obstacle. However, that little date would ruin everything.

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