(intro) Lawrence

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Lawrence couldn't stop thinking about that night.

The night he promised Adam he would come back for him. After they grabbed each other trying to suck out whatever comfort the other could give. The night he cut his foot off, and heard Adams screams that have come to haunt him. The night Adam had killed someone to save Lawrence.

Lawrence felt guilty. Adam was innocent, he didn't fucking deserve to be in that bathroom.

Lawrence couldn't help but to blame himself. It was practically his fault. If he wouldn't have cheated on his wife there wouldn't have been a reason for Adam to take pictures of him, or better yet, there wouldn't of been a reason for Adam to be in a trap any how.

He traumatized Adam; shot him, cut his foot off in front of him, let the kid kill Zepp.

Even if he did achieve the action of rescuing Adam, Adam would've been terrified, but he would also be alive. In addition some cheater like Lawrence, would have enough courage to get back on the grid, and not working for some psycho like Jigsaw.


Lawrence had come to realize Adam was dead.

Whenever Jigsaw had 'saved' him that night. He was planning on knocking out (or even killing) Jigsaw and making a run for it to get the cops, and to get Adam out of that gory, disgusting bathroom; but that's kind of hard to do when you only have one foot to run on.

Lawrence was vulnerable and weak, and just like an idiot, he let Jigsaw help him, passing out as a result, and Jigsaw must have drug him back to his layer or lab or whatever the fuck the psycho liked to call it.

He was there for days recovering, vomiting, and passing out at the same time.

Just like most people he finally recovered. Jigsaw told him he was free, and he won the game. Jigsaw also made an offer. He asked Lawrence if he would like to work for him, and of course Lawrence said no.

Jigsaw saw no need to pressure him he only left the offer hang in mid air, and Jigsaw let Lawrence leave. Giving him crutches, money, clean clothes, and gave him another offer.

"I'll let you think about my offer. You know where to find me."

To this Lawrence heard the door behind him slam. and Lawrence was left with the stuff that was just given to him, and the unbearable thoughts that were stuck in his head.

What about Adam? Did Jigsaw just give me an offer? Where am I? Where do I go now?


Lawrence was breathing heavy and he gripped the handles on his crutches as he attempted trying to get away from the place where the man who just put him through so much shit was staying .

Lawrence eventually hitched a ride and decided to get an hotel room with the money Jigsaw gave him. He needed time to think.

Lawrence thought about calling the cops, and just handing over Jigsaws coordinates but it's more complex than that. Jigsaw is a smart guy, and if he puts the famous saw traps so many people have heard of together, he's more than likely capable of handling a couple of cops who may not even believe Lawrence in the first place.

Lawrence thought about just ending his life. Just to escape this misery and burden Jigsaw had intentionally left on his shoulders.

Nevermore he thought about Adam and how Adam must be half way dead by now, and he began to cry.

He had to rescue him. He couldn't leave him there.

So Lawrence did the only thing he thought he could. He got a good night sleep (if you consider good loads of nightmares about Adam) and took up Jigsaws offer. Meeting up with him the day after.


"Listen I'll help you. I have to admit your game has changed me." Lawrence explained, "but I would like to know the coordinates of the bathroom."

Jigsaw's face kept the same expression as he replied with the coordinates.

Lawrence was surprised that Jigsaw gave the coordinates up so easily, and he was almost worried about it being another trap.

As Lawrence turned to leave Jigsaw yelled, "Dr. Gordan, Wait."

Lawrence turned around.

"Take my car." he stepped closer to Lawrence handing over his keys.

Lawrence started to turn away when Jigsaw started to speak again, "And, Dr. Gordan, remember. People's sacrifice and other people's lessons can help others learn there purpose and learn their own life lessons."


Honestly Lawrence didn't give a shit about the old psychos words, and after he was finished talking he walked as fast as his one foot and crutches could let him so he could get to Jigsaws car, to go to the coordinates Jigsaw had just gave  him.

Lawrence sped to the destination of the bathroom and opened the door slowly, ignoring all the memories. He went inside seeing the dried trail of blood that was left by him, and he followed them depending on them.

Then he found it. The door to the room in which him and Adam had been held hostage. He pulled the door and surprisingly it was unlocked almost like it was expecting him.

He turned on the lights and looked around the room remembering the bad memories dealing with each object. The saw he used to cut off his foot, the clock ticking leaving an anxious feeling in his chest when he was worrying about his wife and daughter. Zepp.

Then he saw him, the black haired boy laying on the floor unconscious it seemed. Probably from dehydration and hunger. Or he was dead from loss of blood. Lawrence didn't think negatively about it though since he didn't even know how long it had been. In fact he didn't even know the date.

"Adam!" Lawrence screamed holding back sobs.

He ran to the unconscious male holding him in his arms, but what he saw made his sobs turn into tears.

Someone had suffocated him. Lawrence found himself dumbfounded starring blankly at the dead body.

Adams face was blue and pale, and his mouth was slathered in blood. Lawrence pulled Adams body into him sobbing.

"I'm sorry Adam. It's all my fault. i-i-i-" Lawrence was hyperventilating. "I should've gotten here sooner i-"

"it should've been me-" Lawrence made out through breaths.

He pulled the dead body away from him.

Even though he didn't know Adam that well, and he hadn't know him that long.

Lawrence felt like he had just got his heart ripped out.

He put his hand on Adams cheek. His tears falling on the dead body.

Then suddenly a idea struck him and he started to chuckle, his breathing still fast and still staring at the dead Adam before him.

He was going to get revenge. He was going to kill that bastard for killing Adam.

And it helped that he had the perfect opportunity to do it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2018 ⏰

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