The Perfect Gift

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"Please god protect my soul" I say before walking into the shopping mall, people dashing this way and that.

I sigh and begin to look around, nothing seemed like it was the perfect gift, as I looked through clothes, shoes, and every nick nak store I walked by. I was about to give up when I saw a jewelry store. I stopped and thought about the man I was getting a gift for, a man that I hope has the same feelings for me as I do him.

  But to all accounts he's only liked women, but maybe I'm different, I think, yeah right, I think darkly as is I think about the last exorcism we did the one that took almost a month to complete, the one that made us both realize we need a break thus we've been in this town now for a couple of days and decided to go out again after Christmas, yeah I know god is probably grumbling about us about now but even he knows we have a limit.

  Sighing I decided this wasn't going anywhere and was about to leave when a voice whispered in my ear "the cross"

  "The cross" I murmur to myself as someone pushes past me making it so I'm facing the jewelry store advert that has an image of a beautifully designed cross, and then I saw the price and cursed I had money saved up but not that much.

  "Your wallet"

  I hear whispered in my ear, reaching into my pocket and instantly realized the weight difference. I hesitate a little, never has god given me money, not even on our worst days of hardly having food, was this a devil trying to get into my head? Even as I think that I know it's not true I can feel his light his presence.

  "Thank you" I say fighting back tears, food I could live without, a chance to impress Tomas I don't know if I could've. It only took minutes for me to show the clerk what I wanted.

  "Good luck" she says and winks, I nod not caring at the moment how she knew.

The drive back to the hotel was painfully long, and I couldn't be happier when I finally got there, but once I got there I couldn't get myself to get out of truck.

  "No going back now" I say to myself and get out of the truck, and go into our hotel room, And see Tomas was still asleep.

"Where were you?" Ok not asleep.

"Running errands, why?"

"It seems our vacation is being cut short" he says and turns on the news, a live story at the mall I was just at.

  "A woman in her mid twenties attacked and stabbed one of her customers with a cross necklace, and all she said as the cops apprehended her was "the lion cub will die".

  I turn off the tv and sat at the end of the bed and put my face in my hands.

  "I know this is troubling, but it will be ok" says Tomas as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

  "No tomas I messed up I saw her earlier and she knew something she shouldn't have, I should've known.. "

  "You where at the mall"?

  "Yes I.. I" I say and pull the box out from my pocket.

   "This was supposed to be the perfect day..I got this for you" I say and hand him the box.

  He looks at me, and puts the box down, wow I didn't think this day could get worse I think, as I watch him go over to his bag and pulls out a similar box and hands it to me, and picks up the box I gave him, I look at him and then turn my attention to the box and open it and see the same cross I had bought, I turn to Tomas who was holding a ring with a crossed embezzled on the side and his name on the other.

  We look at each, both of us not knowing what to say, somehow our presents changed boxes, we sit there for about an hour not saying anything.

  "Yes" Tomas says breaking the silence.

   "I love you Marcus Keane.. it took me so long to fully accept it but it's true I love you and I hope this means you do to"

  I look at him tears in my eyes and pull him against me, rubbing his back before we part and I slide on his ring onto his finger and he puts my necklace on me:

   "I love you too Tomas Ortega" I say and kiss him, I lose track of time as I get lost in our kiss it only breaking up because we both jump as the door opens

  "Did you two see the news" Mouse says her face red, at first I think she's going storm out jealous but instead she does something I've never seen her do and squeaks and comes over to us "I'm so happy you two finally told each other, that will help with the angst around here" she says smiling.

  "Now shall we go get that demon" I say and kiss Tomas one last time before getting my bag.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2017 ⏰

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