The Boy with the Knife

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I was in the school lunch room sitting by myself at one of the circular tables as usual. I had noticed the preppy clique looking over at me, but not for a good reason. They probably assumed it was some sort of emo freak, judging me by my black jeans and baggy sweatshirt.

The prettiest of all of the girls rose from her chair as if she had noticed that I had seen them staring. I thought she must have been getting up to use the restroom adjacent of our small lunchroom, but she surprised me by coming over to my table.

She sat down next to me, and said nothing for a while, preferring to look straight ahead rather than at me. After a little bit I looked her straight in her pale blue eyes and said, "What the hell do you want?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come sit with us," she whispered as she gestured over to her friends, who just happened to be staring and smirking at us.

I said nothing and stared at her instead. I thought she would go away, but she stayed in place, as if she would not leave until I agreed. Soon enough not only her table, but the rest of the people in the room were watching.

I didn't like girls like this, but I gave her a small nod. She led me over to their table and pulled up a seat next to her for me.

"I didn't get your name," I said to the girl who had brought me over. "Megan," she said quietly, as everyone else at the table chatted loudly, ignoring me completely.

Megan was the perfect example of everything that guys wanted to get with, excluding me of course

She had the palest of blue eyes, with lightly tanned skin to contrast. And to top it all off, she had vibrant auburn hair.

I wondered why someone so...different would want me to eat with them. It bothered me for a few minutes, and finally I asked her, breaking the silence between the two of us.

She looked at me and said, "I know how hard it is to be the new kid." One of her friends looked over from across the table and tried to claimMegan's attention.

"So she was trying to be kind," I thought to myself. I slid the small silver dagger that I had been clutching back into my sweatshirt pocket.

I decided that she didn't deserve the punishment I had come to this school to deliver, and started studying the others around the table.

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