My Story: (2016)

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Once, there was this girl. She was really nice, liked talking to others. She was caring and loved helping others. Once, she was on a trip to study abroad. Her trip landed her in Delhi, India. While at college there, this girl was studying the culture of the place she was living in.

So she was spending more and more time getting to know the Hindi culture and she fell in love with it, she loved how vibrant and colorful the city was, but also how calm and quiet the countryside was in comparison.

And the people, in her opinion, were so nice, and kind. She started to try and find ways to get to know the people and started learning their language.

At one point she was sitting in a Starbucks on the outskirts of Delhi with her headphones in her ears, repeating words in Hindi back to her computer screen when this guy walked up and sat down at her table. She was so entranced in what she was doing that she didn't notice him until he tapped her on her shoulder, and introduced himself.

She just sat staring wide-eyed at the Handsome man that had just sat down in front of her.

She stuttered a bit in trying to get her introduction out. And he chuckled a bit as she struggled to get her name out.

He asked her about her reasoning in studying the language, and she explained that she wanted to learn more about the culture of such a pretty place.

He offered to show her around a bit. He had inwardly decided that he had wanted to be the one to show the pretty American girl around.

He showed her a new place every day if he could, and after a week they started dating. He took her home to meet his family after a few more and they really got along. She introduced him to her family over a video call, their relationship was moving along.

Then one day, a few months later, the girl was spending some time with his family, he had gone into the city to find a ring, he planned to propose that day. He was on his way home on his bike and it was dark when all the sudden an animal ran out in front of his bike. He tried to swerve to get around it but it seemed to move with him, so his bike hit the animal and both he and his bike flew and landed in a field. He landed on top of his bike and could not move.

The girl had become worried because it was so late and dark and she decided to go look for him. He was lying there in the field and he couldn't move anything. He just kept crying and inside his head, he was thinking that he would never get to marry the woman he loved. He would never get to experience what happiness he thought he would have. He believed that we would die there. He had been in so much pain at first but he was starting to go numb.

All the sudden he heard his name being called... She had come to look for him. He tried to call her name to answer but all that came out was a misshapen groan.

She started running towards where she'd heard the sound. She pulled her phone out to be ready just in case, but at first, when she saw what had happened to him she was so struck with shock that she couldn't move.

He groaned again to try to get her to realize what she needed to do and she snapped out of her shock and called an ambulance, then his parents.

A month later, he'd had many surgeries to repair his spine, and had no damage to his spinal chord, so he was recovering quickly. She was with him through it all. As soon as he got home from the hospital, he asked his dad if they'd found a box in the field where he'd been found. His dad said that they did and gave the ring box back to him. He wasn't ready yet to propose to her so he worked really hard on his physical therapy, and asked his parents and anyone involved to help him keep his progress a secret from her, he wanted to surprise her with him walking up and kneeling down to propose to her.

A few weeks later, after tons of hard work and determination, he could do it. He was ready, he asked his mom to help him set it up, she would be led into the living-room and sat down on the couch with a blindfold. He would then walk in and lean against the door frame and tell her to take her blindfold off and he would then walk to her and ask.

His mom got her situated in the living room, and she started to wonder what in the world was going on, but then she heard him ask her to take the blindfold off, at first she was confused. As she slid the blindfold off, she saw him standing in the door frame and she started crying. Then with slow, steady steps he approached her and took a knee. She started crying even harder and she covered her eyes. Afraid that what she was seeing wasn't true.

He pulls her hands down and pulled out the ring.

She collapses hugging him whispering yes and crying. She was so happy to be with him the rest of her seemingly long life.

A month later, wedding plans are done, the whole shebang, and she is starting to feel more and more worn out. She really wants to marry him, he's the love of her life, but she is slowly deteriorating to nothing and no one but her can really tell. She is dying in the inside, she is losing all confidence in herself, in her feelings, in life and she wants the searing pain that comes to her head when she tries to think at all. Make it stop... please ...

No one notices but her husband and he starts looking for answers on why all the sudden this depression would settle on the most caring, beautiful girl in the world. He sets up a doctor's appointment and tells her that its to make sure she is staying healthy in the country that is so different from her homeland. Before the appointment, he lets the doctor know what his main concerns are for her and the doctor promises to bring in a psychiatrist to check up on her mental health. The psychiatrist diagnoses her with a major case of homesickness and even bipolar disorder, explaining to the concerned fiance that she will periodically go through bouts of mania (extreme happiness) and depression, and that when the depression cycle comes along he needs to keep close tabs on her and make sure that she goes and see's a therapist regularly to check and make sure the side effects of the depression don't last into the mania period. The doctor and psychiatrist together prescribe some medications, disguising them as vitamins, for her to take from there on out. They explain that it may take a few weeks for the effects to show and that until then, he needs to keep an extremely close eye on her.

On the day that they were supposed to have their wedding, she couldn't handle the conflict going on in her head. She walked into the bathroom and took some pills, too many pills... she lay down In The tub and starts to write a note to her fiancé:

" I love you, I really do... I can't take it anymore. It hurts so much... I wish I could've told you sooner. I wish you could've saved me from myself... Please try to be happy w...į...t . . . . . H .......... O .........u..................t... . . . ."

He hears a thud from the bathroom and rushes in to see the pen and paper falling out of her hands as she falls to the floor of the bath. He rushes, thinking that he only took his eyes off of her for two minutes and catches her at the last moment, and yells for his parents to call the ambulance.

She wakes up a few days later and the depression that had pushed her to act in this way was gone, and he was right there by her side.

"You saved me, thank you. I can't even express how grateful I am to you at this moment. Thank you, thank you, thank yo..."

Her sentence is cut off by a strong, passionate kiss from him.

"No need to thank me hun, you saved my life a year ago, and it's my job as your future husband to keep you safe from harm, even if that harm is coming from yourself. I love you and that's all that matters to me anyways. Please don't ever do that Shane, and please come to me if you start feeling weird or unstable in any way whether it be emotionally, or physically. I'll be here for you, Always... I love you and I always will... "

                                                                                !!!The End!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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