Italy X Reader - Always And Forever (LEMON)

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You giggled to yourself as you poured two glasses of crimson wine. The excited squeals of your Italian boyfriend vibrated the warm air, causing your smile to grow. Feliciano always thought of exciting new things to do at sleepovers, but this? This was beyond exciting.

“_______!” Feliciano squealed in delight. “Come look how high I can jump!”

You sighed happily, grabbing the two wine glasses and poking your head out the window. There was Feliciano, an ear to ear smile painting his handsome face, jumping higher than you had thought possible.

“Be careful! If you fall off that trampoline you’ll break your arm or something!” you called out the window. Feliciano never failed to hurt himself, weather it was taking a stroll on the beach, or even something as simple as watching T.V.

You saw his eyes light up when they connected with the two wine glasses you held in your hands. You took a quick sip, quickly making your way outside into the warm evening air. The smell of fresh blades of grass filled your mind. The neon-orange sun illuminated the environment around you, making everything look so alive and happy. There was no better night to sleep under the stars.

As soon as your line of sight connected with Feliciano’s, you couldn’t help but smile. He looked so happy jumping up and down on what once was a simple trampoline. You watched as the heaps of pillows and sleeping bags moved around with each jump, making a moving river of fabric around Feliciano’s ankles.

“I’m so excited!” he chirped, his attractive Italian accent making you bit your lip.

“Me too! Here, stop jumping so I can pass you your wine,” you laughed, holding his glass up into the air. Feliciano collapsed happily in the pile of fabric, his chest moving up and down rapidly. You placed the wine glasses down carefully on the grass and took a comfortable seat next to him.

“I love you, _____. Did you know that?” he said, his voice as soft as silk. You breathed out with a smile. Every time he told you that, you couldn’t help but get a sense of belonging. Of happiness. Of love.

“I love you too, Feli,” you said, edging your way closer to your Italian boyfriend. Feli outstretched his arm, wrapping it around you and pulling you close. You buried your nose into his chest, his familiar delicious scent making your eyes flutter. You could never get enough of him.

“So what do you want to do tonight?” Feliciano sang loudly, startling you out of your trance. You looked up at the darkening sky; not a single cloud in sight. The sun just peaked over the distant hills, giving Feliciano’s face an angel-like glow.

“We could jump at bit more?” you said, raising a challenging eyebrow at Feliciano. “I challenge you to a jumping contest!”

Feliciano’s smile grew on his perfect face; his eye’s now glazed with excitement. Before you could react, he jumped up, his weight lifting you from the trampoline. You landed into the deep pit of blankets, disappearing from view. You could hear Feli’s muffled laughter ringing through the sheets.

You quickly threw the sheets off and jumped up, your weight taking Feliciano by surprise. He wobbled slightly, landing on his behind. Your laughing eyes met his. Your pink tongue poked out from its home inside your mouth, wiggling at the Italian, causing his mischievous smile to return. Feli quickly jumped up, his straight teeth glowing with the sunset.

“It’s on!” you laughed, crouching down and gaining precious momentum. You and Feliciano jumped in at the same time, your eyes never leaving each other. When your feet hit the warm trampoline surface, you awkwardly stumbled sideways. It happened so quickly; one leg slipped from the edge of the trampoline, and then your whole body came crashing down with it.

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