Dumb and Dumber

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Daniel had always his eyes on Seongwoo.

Daniel thought it was just one of those short-term crushes he had, not until Seongwoo enters their classroom with a book in his hand, wearing the air of authority and telling the class to settle down.

Yes, his crush became his teacher.


Seongwoo was in his last year in the university when Daniel saw him for the first time—or maybe not, he just didn't pay him any attention those times. It was pretty easy to know some details about him since he's pretty famous, but as Daniel investigates (he prefer that term than stalking) he had to keep it lowkey and ask his friends about the brunette guy casually so they won't tease him. Seongwoo is two of the most attractive people in the university it was really easy to notice him among the crowd because his visuals would standout, but he was exceptionally attractive the night of their school festival. Slaying the runway with his dashing smile which killed both genders while he walked and flashed some striking poses on the stage.

Daniel was an audience then, he wasn't particularly a fan of beauty pageants but his friends told him that almost all of the eye-catching girls on their university would be there and most of them are graduating so they had to grab the chance of they'll regret it. He was dragged on the venue, standing among the crowd, squished between two of his friends.

Jinwoo, in front of him, complained nonstop because they arrived too late. The competition was over, they only watched there for the crowning of the winners.

Seongwoo won as the University's King as he walked like a perfectly born model on the stage wearing his school uniform, Daniel had to admit that he fell over the guy especially when their eyes met and he winked at him. How could someone slay the runway with just that ordinary uniform on? He thought. He felt blood rushed to his face but he couldn't keep his eyes off Seongwoo even as he already walked away to join the girl who won University's Queen title, also wearing the school uniform. Daniel could see how uncomfortable Seongwoo was, as the girl clung to his arm. He also heard other girls in the audience complaining how clingy and cocky the girl was for being too close to Seongwoo's comfort, giving other girls the look like yes-bitches-I'm-clinging-to-your-oppa.

Daniel fought the urge to agree with the girls in the audience.

As Seongwoo went down from the stage he was greeted by a crowd of his fans asking for pictures and signatures, a real university heartthrob huh, Daniel thought. He thought for a nano-second that he might want to join the crowd to get a picture with his crush, yes he just officially admitted it internally but decided not to give his friends something to use to bully Daniel.

He thought that that would be the last time he'd see Seongwoo.

Of course, he was wrong.

Daniel's roommate moved, he couldn't handle the apartment's rent on his own. He was desperate to look for a way to survive his last month of the school year without living in the streets.

"It was the last month and why can't he at least wait. Like it's just another thirty days." Daniel complained.

His friends barely giving him attention as they indulged themselves on the pizza party at their school cafeteria.

Jisung, one of his friends teased him, "Maybe he couldn't handle your sleep-talking and teeth-gritting anymore."

"Argh! You're my friends why can't you at least help me. Lend me some money."

"I already spent my saving," Jinwoo said as he chews on his pizza.

"You just made me buy you four boxes of pizza," Taewoong said as he frowned on his now empty wallet save for his driver's license.

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