A Letter To You From She

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To the people she has worried
The scars cause by the unbearable pain she has left was her fault
She's sorry she worried you
She's truly sorry she put you through hell

To the people who "loved" her
You're all liars
You pushed her away the most
Pushed her deeper into the black hole
Into the wormhole of emptiness, loneliness
Her love turned to hatred for you
She's sorry she ever loved you

To the person who was supposed to be her hero
She went drinking that night
You were the only one who knew where she was
You knew her intentions and you didn't try to help
You let her drown in the darkness
You let her feel all alone
She's sorry you didn't have the guts to help
She's sorry she trusted you
She's sorry she looked up to you

To the only one she loved
She's sorry you hurt
She wanted what was best but you wanted her
You fell for a broken girl who couldn't be fixed
Her And your heart will be broken
She's sorry she's leaving you like this

To who ever is reading this
She's sorry it's come to this
She hated for herself
She broke her own promise
The scars deeper than before, freshly opened
Blood pouring out as she lies on the floor
She somehow is smiling through the pain..
She's sorry she had to die
I'm sorry I killed her
For she is I, and I am she

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