1| Truth Hurts

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 "Me, I'm dishonest, and you can always trust a dishonest man to be dishonest. Honestly, it's the honest ones you have to watch out for." 

                                                                                             - Johnny Depp 

Hermione Granger sat with her legs crossed on the common room couch. Her face contorting into a series of comical emotions as she watched her boyfriend, Ron, act out a scene from his day.  The redhead jumped around making Hermione's laughs reach the roof. 

"He's a right git 'Mione."

He continued, struggling to keep his anger at bay. 

"He reported me to Professor McGonagall and I was this close to expulsion." He raged pinching his fingers together. 

"You're lucky you didn't get excluded, Ron. Draco Malfoy is no joke." 

The seventh years had been sent back to Hogwarts to complete their endmost year of study. They had only gotten to the school the previous evening and disputes had already begun to erupt from the lethargic seventh years. 

"I know for a fact that our Professors and tightening down on house unity now. What with the war." Hermione bowed her head, the war was a sour topic for everyone - some more than others.

"Hermione -" Ron started but was quickly cut off by his flustered girlfriend. 

"Anyway, we better get ready. Professor McGonagall has requested to see us." 

Hermione shuffled out of the room, leaving Ron in a daze. 

Once she got into her room she drank in the scenery.

It was a standard room however, it held the essence of Hermione's Hogwarts experience. In a matter of months, she'd be off on her own in the big, bad world that she had been barely protected from. 

Premature tears threatened her eyes and she shook them off. 

"Wait to graduation... Wait to graduation." 

She prompted herself. She waltzed into her bathroom and put on her clothes -the muggle way. She brushed her untamable mane into a loose fishtail braid with several rebellious curls hanging onto her face. 

Satisfied with her look, she left her dorm and sauntered around the building, familiarizing herself with paintings around the hallways. 

She ran down the stairs until she found herself in the great hall, half-way through breakfast. She glanced over at the Gryffindor table and took the empty seat next to her partner.  As usual, he was stuffing his face with the food. 

Having lost her appetite, she reached for a shiny red apple in front of her. Harry looked away from his breakfast, not the food-Ginny was his current meal. He registered Hermione's presence and addressed her. 

"Hermione. How are you?" He beamed. 

"I'm great. Thanks, Harry." 

Harry and Hermione had grown slightly distant over the course of time, granted they were still best friends, it just wasn't the same. 

Ginny was to blame for this since they had started dating, they had been inseparable and Harry had spent most of his days with the feisty red-head. Ginny was part of Harry's life - whether Hermione liked it or not.

Ginny's attention turned to the brunette girl. 

"Hey 'Mione, hows it going?" She asked, seemingly relieved to have a girlfriend on the table. 

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