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El has started a group chat. El has named the chat 'Byler is Otp'

Egg011: hello everyone!

SmolWill💖: Hi El!

2ndWheeler: Hi will

SmolWill💖: Hey Mikey

MadMax: Smol

Dustonius: Ship

2ndWheeler: can u stop?

Dustonious: Never ( long live byler)

ReasonableMan: seriously, we can never stop shipping byler

Egg011: exactly, you two would be so cute together!!!

SmolWill💖: Can we please stop talking about it for now, this is getting awkward...

MadMax: only cause he is smol

Dustonious: *super smol

ReasonableMan: Thanks for correcting, but we should go to sleep.

2ndWheeler: It's only 12:00 A.M.

SmolWill💖: but I'm sleepy, I need sleep, night night.

SmolWill💖 has left the chat

2ndWheeler: He is so god damn precious ❤️

Dustonious: When are you going to confess your love to him?

2ndWheeler: Idk, soon I guess

MadMax: You better, he will obviously say yes

ReasonableMan: Can u not tell he likes you?

2ndWheeler: no, not really

Egg011: Wow! you never notice anything he does when you're around???

2ndWheeler: like what?

MadMax: He always blushes when you are around him

Dustonious: He looks into ur eyes like a married couple would

ReasonableMan: he tries to go by you every time your with him

Egg011: he stutters when he is giving a response or answer to you.

2ndWheeler: k... maybe, JUST MAYBE he likes me

2ndWheeler: well gtg, I'm tired

Dustonious: same, bye my bois

Egg011: bye

MadMax: ^
Egg011 has ended this group chat

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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