I rake my fingers through my hair as I pace outside of the hospital room. My mother places her hands on my shoulders, "Savannah, calm down!" She says, and steps away from me. I roll my eyes, and walk over to the vending machine, and insert a pound coin, I deliberate and punch in the number for a can of sprite. I kneel down and fish the can from the bottom of the machine, I tap the top of the can a few times and crack it open, and down some. I take a deep breath and a midwife walks out, "what is it?" I ask, she smiles, "Hannah has requested Savannah, to sit with her" she says. I follow the midwife into the suite. "Hey, Han" I say sitting in the chair and stroking her forehead, "he's a stubborn little blighter" she says weakly, I laugh, "takes after you" I say and brush her brown hair out of her face, "Sav..." Her voice cracks, "shhh... You need to keep your strength" I say, "if anything happens to me...." She starts, " nothings going to happen" I cut in, "you need to look after him, please" she begs, I nod, "it could be a girl" I say and smile, her face scrunches up, as a contraction tears through her body, she let's out a strangled scream, "shhh, you're OK, its OK" I stroke her head and grab her hand, she squeezes it, and my fingers turn purple, I flick my curly hair away, and tug a small strand of my sisters, "trust you to straighten your hair when you go into labour" I say, she laughs weakly, and her eyes close, "hey, wake up" I say, nudging her, she opens them slightly, "I love you..." She breathes, as her eyes fully close and her hand goes limp against mine. My eyes widen, "Hannah?" I say and tap her cheek, "Hannah!", I buzz the button next to the bed, I throw open the door, " somebody please help!" I scream, and clutch onto my sisters arm, "Hannah, Hannah, please no..." I feel a searing pain rip through my chest, and gasp, falling back against the wall, sliding down it, I don't know how, but I got my bearings, and stood up. "Get that baby out of her!" I say loudly so the bustling nurses hear me, "I'm  afraid we don't have grounds to do that mam" I shake my head, "there is a baby in there and its going to die if you don't get it out now, if you won't I will!" I scream at them, they all look at each other and the door opens, and a doctor walks in, "what I'd the problem?" He asks, "the problem is that I promised my sister that I wouldn't let anything happen to her baby!" I yell, he nods, and pulls some gloves on, and a nurse hands him a scalpel, I take a deep breath, and let a nurse propel me out of the  room. I lean against the wall and put my head in my hands, and sink down, until my elbows are on my knees and I cry, and cry and cry, until my tears feel like acid dripping down my face.

I feel arms wrap around me and lean into the warm familiar touch, " Isaac..." I whisper, "shhh..." He urges as he pulls me close to his chest, "you're gonna be okay..." He whispers in my ear,  "she's dead.... The baby..." I mutter, he sighs, "we can look after it, no problem" he says consolingly, I nod, "thats what she wanted" he nods grimly. " the baby will be fine"  he says stroking my hair. He looks up, "sav, the doctors here"  I look up, and gulp, "is the baby...?" I ask, the doctor smiles, " the baby is in perfect health, would you like to see her?" he asks, Isaac pulls me to my feet, "her?" I ask, the doctor nods, "your sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl"  he says and holds the door open, I walk past him, Isaac behind me. I stop in my tracks, "oh..." I trail off at the sight of the baby, isaac puts a reassuring hand on my back and urges me forward. I reach my arms out and take the baby into my arms, I stroke her cheek with my finger. "beautiful..." I whisper my voice trailing off. I walk hesitantly over to Hannah, "she looks just like you sissy" I say and lay the baby on her pale lifeless chest, the baby throws her tiny arms above her her and screws her face up, and let's out a small whining cry. My eyes prick with tears and I pick the baby up, and the door flys open, "where is she!" my mother's frantic voice calls, I clench my eyes shut. I turn slowly, and look her in the eyes, "she's gone mum, she's gone" I feel my eyes leaking. She glares at me, "you're lying!" she says her eyes flashing, I shake my head and step to the side revealing my sisters prone body. My mother starts. "my baby..." she falls to her knees and sobs. I pass the baby to my husband, and kneel beside my mother, "it's alright, I'm still here..." I say wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She shoves me away. "you think I want you!" She spits, "it should've been you,  not my baby!" I stand up, "she was my sister, my twin sister, and good god I wish it was me, but it wasn't. I would give anything to have her look after her own child but she's not here, so how dare you lay this on me!" I say stepping away from her. I press a kiss to Hannahs forehead, and lift the baby into my arms," I'll see you at home honey" I say to my husband and grab my sisters handbag and swing it onto my shoulder.

I walk to my sisters car and fumble around for her car keys, I fish them out and unlock the car and place the baby in the car seat. I close the door and climb into the drivers seat. I start the engine and stall it again, taking a few deep breaths I start the engine and start to drive.

BTW this is not the story I published on the isabella volturi, this is a totally different original, hope you enjoy x

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2019 ⏰

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