The Man in the Window

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Perfection does not exist. Yet we live in a world that worships it. To my Mother and Father, I had to be it and nothing else. I was the top of my class in school. On weekdays I went to school. When I got home I didnt have time to party or hang with friends, I was studying.

I had to be top of the class. I didnt ever eat Fast Food or Pizza or whatever regular teens ate. I had a strict healthy diet that mainly consisted of vegetables and chicken.

"A pretty girl like you doesnt want a belly like that." My mom would. say as she pointed to a picture she saw in a magazine of an obese girl.

On Saturdays I had piano class. My instructor would come to my house and drill me on reading sheet music. I had to be proficient in reading and playing it note for note.

If I had extra time, I would be aloud to hang with my best friend Jenny. She was the greatest friend anyone could ever have. She is always there for me.

As for Sundays my family would go to church and I would be drilled on the Bible. We lived life by the Bible. Anybody who didnt follow it was considered worthless trash by my parents. They were a "bad" influence and I should have nothing to do with them.

My entire life I had to live to be perfect. My parents expected nothing less.

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