Chapter one (Diamond)

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"Okay okay, next question. Favorite color?" Ross asks with a smirk.

My eyes widen. Little bastard what is he up to?

"Ruby red obviously. The best color for the best birth stone," Amber says.

I sigh. So that's what your up to Ross, Why? Here we go. I look around, wondering who is going to challenge Amber on her proclamation.

I spy on Rosemary. Her dark curly hair is covering her face and pretty blue eyes so I don't see her reaction, but she looks relaxed enough.

I turn to Ross. Maybe he started this just so he can argue.

His hazel eyes lock with my blue ones. He runs a hand through his blond hair and winks at me.

Okay, so he just wants to start World War Three. Wonderful. I raise my eyebrow at him and he winks again.

If he winks one more time I'm going to throw him in a trash can, knock him out, and give him an orangge spray tan.
Now a fight is going to break out and I'm going to have to......oh


I look at Ross and smile. My heart fills with joy when I see confusion and a little fear in his eyes. Then I wink at HIM . His eyes widen and my dead little black heart grows all warm and fuzzy.

"Amber what did you say?" Uh-oh.

I look at Dylan. Didn't expect the quiet tan blond haired green eyes football star to challenge Amber. Then again it's been two hours since we ate ice cream, he's probably hungry. Maybe he needs a Snickers.

I redirect my gaze to Amber. I try to will her to say nothing. Maybe if I believe hard enough she'll stay quiet......

"I said, 'Ruby red obviously. The best color to go with the best birthstone," she says slowly.

Dylan's eyes narrow. "I've always been partial to Emerald green. One could argue green is a better color than red, and emerald a better birthstone than ruby."

"And one could argue that you're a good football player, smart, and sexy, but that doesn't mean they're right does it?"

Ross turns and looks at me expectingly. I lie down and put my hands behind my head. Ross got himself into this, and I'm not going to bail him out. If Amber and Dylan's fight knocks down this rickety tree house we're in, that's Ross's problem. Even if it's the dead of night, and we are quite high up, and it's cold, and the tree house is unstable.......NOPE!

I'm not going to intervene. I'm Ethan Sing, All-american boy with beautiful blue eyes, yummy chocolate hair, teenage heart throb features, and enough money to buy several hundred pounds of crack cocaine, that is if it comes in pounds. Does it? Is it even that expensive? Of track
The point is I'm the rich boy next door who accidentally hit a baseball into a girls window, and after my humble apology was invited to dinner and given an offer to go hunting with the girls father next weekend. I couldn't die. Everything is going to be fine.

"One could also argue that your hair looks natural, but I think we all know they couldn't be more more wrong," Dylan says.

Oh. Ouch.

"Ethan," Ross whispers. I look into his fearful hazel eyes. I shake my head. Little Ken doll should had know what he was signing up for.

As if in slow motion, Amber' s light blue eyes seem to darken, and then she lunges at Dylan.

I start to compose my apology letter:
Dear world,
I'm sorry for not preventing World War Three. I would have done something but I was trying to make a point to Ross Reest, and by the time Dylan Quest insulted Amber LuMay's hair all hope was lost. Don't blame all this on my though. I would like to point out that Rosemary Leen wasn't doing anything throughout all this. Sorry again.
Yours truly, Ethan Sing.

The JewelsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora