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1. Hate the character, not the roleplayer.

2. Make the story interesting!

3. Please have at least 3 sentences.

4. Cussing is allowed but don't cuss all the time please.

5.  Help play some of the characters.

6. Talk in third person only.

7. I will RP in PMs only unless we already have a rp going in pm then comments are fine. (Something is kinda screwy with my Wattpad so I don't always see comments. You have been warned.)

8. You can have 2 OCs! Who those OC's will be, are entirely up to you.

9. Wait until I accept you!

10. Just have fun! I promise I am a fun person to RP with!

If you read the rules then comment your favorite character!

The Gilmore Girls RPDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora