Black and White

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When she woke up that morning, everything was the same as it always had been; she had a black tea for breakfast in a white travel mug, and grabbed a banana on her way out

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When she woke up that morning, everything was the same as it always had been; she had a black tea for breakfast in a white travel mug, and grabbed a banana on her way out. She headed to work, taking the 7:16 bus as she normally did. Nothing special, nothing new; as she liked it.

Once she got to the office, Judy the receptionist greeted her with a "Good morning, Katie," and a warm smile.

"Good morning, how are you today?" she replied, stopping by the desk.

"I'm lovely, how about you, dear?" Judy was always concerned about her well-being.

"I'm going just fine, thank you." And Katie was on her way.

She walked to her office, smiling and nodding at people on the way. She said, "good morning," to most people she passed by. She had an office that had a nice view of the lake, but not as nice as her bosses. Although she had had the opportunity to move up in the company, Katie had liked being the manager at that level and preferred to stay where she was.

The morning was uneventful but every time she thought of the night to come, her stomach got all upset. Her palms were also clammier than they usually were. At lunch, Judy came into her office, and they chatted and ate together. Judy seemed to be more excited than Katie about her date that night.

"Where are you going? What will you do? What will you wear?" She kept asking questions that made Katie even more nervous. After years of unsuccessful dating, she had turned to a dating app, and was going on her first ever date from the app.

"Judy, can you come look at this shirt and tell me if the colour is right for me?" Katie asked. She had seen this shirt online while avoiding work earlier.

"Oh, it's beautiful! I always forget that you haven't developed your Sight yet, you have such great style." Judy said.

"Thanks, you're the best! And I'm in no rush to find my Sight, you know that."

Judy had developed her Sight in high school, and was one of the lucky ones that kept it all this time. The myth was that when you met the love of your life, you would get the Sight. To anyone who hadn't had it yet, it seemed strange and impossible, but those who did swore it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. Katie couldn't fathom the colours they were explaining or how trees were "green" and not gray. To Katie, and everyone else that hadn't yet found their soulmate, the world was black and white, and it was beautiful nonetheless. But to Judy, it seemed to be even more magical.

More than being in love, Katie wanted to see what others saw when they looked outside, but as Katie had told Judy, she was in no rush.

"But tonight might be the night!" Judy said, knocking Katie back into focus.

"I doubt it. Who finds love online?" Katie asked.

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