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How could Natsu start this on a good note? He couldn't. There was no way he could sugar coat this situation. He was stumbling out the door from Lucy's push as she screeched loudly, "Come back when you're not an ass!" Natsu scowled, staring at his fiance and back at his bottle of liquor. A voice in the back of his mind whispered throw it away. You need Lucy. Get her back. But the gurgle of a demonic voice hissed louder fuck it. Leave that hoe and go to the bar. So he did. He weeped for a few minutes before getting to the bar and walked in with bloodshot eyes and a slouched look. He found the nearest booth seat and growled at the barista. "Strongest drink you have." The barista furrowed her eyebrows and tightened her flannel knot on her stomach before leaning on the counter. "Hun, you look wasted enough. Maybe you should--"
"Shall I repeat myself? I need the strongest drink you have in this damned bar, unless of course you'd like a cranky customer." The barista swallowed and muttered "Okay." And started getting his drink together. Natsu looked at the glossed bar table under him and saw his reflection. Messy hair and drooped eyes, complimented with faint dark circles under his once beautiful onyx eyes. His shoulders started shaking as he remembered what his boss had said after firing him. You're falling apart, boy. Don't let whiskey wash your remaining pieces away.

Natsu clenched his jaw and put his hands in his greasy hair. He needed that job. It was the only thing keeping the apartment for Lucy and him until she published her first book. That job was keeping him sane, keeping him awake. And he blew it from just a drink problem that arose way too quickly for Natsu to realize it. The barista interrupted his thoughts by setting a long and colorful cup in front of him, filled with the bitter alcohol. He sipped a bit off the top before slamming down the drink altogether. He could already feel the depressant part calm his nerves, his shaking slowly stopping. "Another."
"W-we ran out. Here's a Budweiser." She sets down another cup filled with the deep gold color and this time Natsu slowly sipped the beer. I'm done for.

"Natsu?" A voice questioned. Natsu didn't turn around and only groggily scowled, "What?" The person sat beside him and put their hand on his shoulder, making him look. Lisanna sat with her large blue eyes and slightly longer snowy hair, worried. "Lisanna? What're you doing here?" He asked. Lisanna waved off his question. "Nevermind me, you look like you saw a ghost. Somethings wrong." Natsu huffed, trying to make sure she didn't get a whiff of his nasty breath. "I'm just going through tough times."
"Tough times my butt."
"I lost my job and I'm just hurt. It was my lifesaver and now I have nothing." Lisanna frowned, lightly squeezing his shoulder as a sign of comfort. "I'm sorry Natsu. I'm going through a breakup so I hope you know that you're not alone." Lisanna bit her lip, her eyes welling. "I'm okay though, he wasn't a good man." Natsu pinched the slim part of his cup. Poor girl didn't need to cry. She was a pure soul, and he wanted to tell her it's okay. But what if it isn't? He didn't want to lie to her. She doesn't deserve that.
"Lucy and I are pretty screwed, I know it. She's been sleeping on the couch instead of our bed lately." He finished his drink off to stop tears that threatened to spill. "Maybe you guys should take a break for a while." Natsu looked at Lisanna and stared deeply. She was so beautiful with her soft smile, she was always so happy. So pretty and bold. Gentle. He slowly leaned in and kissed her lips, the soft lips he dearly wanted to kiss since 8th grade. Lisanna sinked into the kiss for a second before pushing away and wiping her mouth. "Natsu you have a fiance and I don't want her to hate me. This is wrong." She got up to leave but Natsu gently grabbed her hand. "Lucy doesn't love me. I already know we're done for. I just need you right now, please." Natsu's voice shivered. He needed her. He hadn't known the word love for the longest time. "O-okay. But can we please not do it here?" Natsu nodded and fished out a 10 dollar bill and slammed it on the counter in front of the Barista before walking outside with Lisanna, the humid night hitting both of them in the face. Natsu whispered to Lisanna, "Follow me."

When he got to a dark alleyway, he continued down before he was deep into it. He looked around for witnesses and saw no one before surprising Lisanna with a messy kiss. Lisanna sinked back into the wall and took hold of his neck, nails lightly digging into his sensitive skin. Natsu bit her swollen lip and slowly made his way down to her jaw.

"What. The. Fuck?" A high pitched voice croaked. Natsu pulled away from Lisanna, taking his hands out from under her shirt. Lucy stood there with her phone on the call page, Natsu's name in big letters on the top. Lucy wrapped her fingers harder around her phone and stepped forward to slap Natsu in the face. "You asshole! Cheating on me?!" Lucy turned to face Lisanna, who was fiddling with her fingers with guilt. "H-he said--"
"Shut up, whore. Can't believe I was friends with you." Lucy scoffed and turned back to Natsu, who was still fazed by the slap. "You think you can just walk out of my life with your shitty state and go behind my damn back and kiss all over my best friend?! You are a sick person. What have I done to deserve this? Is this all because of your job? You're an idiot." Lucy was now crying, tears streaming down her face. Natsu reached out to touch Lucy, his drunk feeling leaving his body. "Babe--"
"Don't call me that! You have no reason to have the title of my fiance. You're a fucking asshole." Lucy tore off her engagement ring and threw it to the ground hard enough to break the gem off. Natsu and Lisanna watched in horror. "L-luce." Lucy flung her converse shoe into his shin and stomped away, sobbing. Lisanna followed her, trying to explain herself. "Lucy, he said you didn't love him anymore-- I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking rationally." Lucy swung around and pushed her face centimeters away from Lisanna's face and growled, "Yeah and that makes everything better. It makes my best friend and ex-fiance cheating on me better, makes his drinking problem better, makes him have a job again. Both of you stay out of my life. You're a bitch and he's a dickhead. Kiss my ass." Lucy stomped on and broke into a run down the dark city. Natsu came up behind Lisanna, who noticed his presence and pushed him away. "This is your fault. She was the best friend I could have and you lied to me." Natsu held his mouth open as if he wanted to say something but Lisanna pushed past him. He was alone now. He fucked up again. He hit the brick wall beside him and sobbed. Ugly, nasty, remorseful sobs. What have I done?

Natsu couldn't take it. He lost everything. A loud semi truck came around the corner, blinding yellow lights hitting his face. My chance. It all went slow. He stepped five steps into the road the second the semi truck was close enough and it hit him with a force so strong, so so strong. It was probably the best feeling. Knowing he was leaving. And befor he could figure it out, he hit the ground and sputtered blood out his mouth. A loud screech filled the air and a plump man waddled over to Natsu, yelling for help and dialing 911 on his phone. Natsu smiled and sobbed harder. He deserves this. Don't call help, don't call help. He wanted to assure the man that it was no use but before he could, he exhaled deeply and he forgot everything.

Natsu passed on August 7th, 2017 on a late Thursday night. He was hit by a semi truck and was killed from several blood loss and broken ribs, punctured lungs, and split head. Large amounts of alcohol was found to be in his system from the autopsy's information.

Hi. Uh. Yeah this was horribly depressing. It helped with my depression though. This was made during my breakup that is probably the worst feeling I've experienced. I promise I'm okay. I didn't hurt myself and I don't have any blood that has been shed. It wasn't the breakup, it was the feeling in my stomach and heart that I wanted to end. I hope this short story will keep you occupied or more patient so I can have a few more days to recover. I love you guys ❤️

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