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"I'm coming mama, i'll make it. You doing good baby, you doing good." I said into the phone trying to soothe her the best I could.

"I cant, I cant!!!! Its hurts so bad" She cried into the phone.

"Yes you can! I know you can Ri. You're one of the strongest women I know, so I know you can do this. With or without me.  You can't give up. Not now baby. " I told her. I know she's in a lot of pain but giving up it not even possible right now.

"What do you always tell Zo?" I asked. "If you give up you'll never see what you got to miss out on." She said crying. "Exactly. Give up now and then what. You trying to take the easy way out?  Baby no way to do this is easy. But you got to do it." "I love you please get here." she said faintly.

"Son, you got to get here as fast as possible." My father said.

"Pops, I'm trying to find a way. But what if I don't get there fast enough. This is my first child. My little boy. And I might not even  be there to see him born." I said in frustration.  I'm four hours away and my fiancée could be giving birth to my son in any moment.

" You will get here and you will see him born. This is the first step to fatherhood. You think every father was there to there child born?  You think every father was there on time?  You think you're the only father to panic?  You're not. Hell I wasn't there to see you or you're brother born. But that changes nothing. He will still love you and you will still love him . When you get him in you're arms that's the only thing that matters. Son, you'll be fine. You're not the first to be in this situation and you won't be the last." Pops said.

"What was it like for you? When Ma was giving birth. How did you feel?"

"Shit, nervous. But most of all I felt good and proud. And that's a feeling that never goes away. No matter how old you little niggas get. This shit is real and it's the first step to being a dad."

"Well I'm boarding my flight now. Hopefully I make it in time." I spoke up. "You will, just think positive and give it to Allah. He wouldn't put this pressure on you for no reason son. He's much wiser than that. Love you." "Love you too Pops" I said then headed to board my flight.

I couldn't imagine how Ri must feel. She told me not go and I didn't listen. Now I might not see my child be born. I shrugged the thoughts off and rubbed my face. I knew it was partially my fault but shit you don't tell the baby when to come out. That little nigga coming out when he ready. Hell I was suppose to come on November 20th....I'm a Scorpio.

I prayed that I made it in time to see Xa be born. I'd never forgive myself if I didn't. Me and Ri were already rocky right now and I didn't need anything else with us to stress her out right now. I loved that woman with everything I had in me. She made me the man I am today and doesn't even realize it. Gabrielle understood me the most right now. I wasn't in the right head space and I was trying my best work on myself for her. She would surely understand if I was late but I would be disappointed in myself.

Two hours went by and I felt a rush of relief as I had finally landed in Houston. I sighed though because I still had to wait on my uber to get here. If I would've listen to her and drove I wouldn't be in this mess. It seemed like everything was holding me back and it was pissing me off.

My uber finally pulled up and I got in the car. We started on the way to the hospital which was thirty minutes away. " Aye could you move a lil faster I'm in a rush right now?" I asked the driver. "Sure thing" He said before he sped up the speed.

I decided to call my dad and check on Gabriella and Xavier. I dialed his number and he picked up on the last ring which had me worrying even more as to what was going on.  "Wassup son are you here?" He asked. "I'm in my uber now. How is she.?" I asked, but I was scared to know. " She's almost ready to push but she's refusing. You gotta talk to her." He said. After hearing muffled sounds followed by yeling, Ri was on the phone.

"Where the hell are you!! I'm not having him until you're here!" She screamed.

"I'll be there in about 30 minutes Ma. If the doctors say push then baby you need to push. I'm right here. I'm not going no where I'm right here." I said as I calmed down.

"Okay, Gabe. But it hurts." She cried into the phone.

"Ms. Vargas, you need to push now. This baby is ready now!" I heard the doctor say.

"How do you know?" Gabrielle asked.

"Because I'm holding his head."

"Dammit." I cursed under my breathe.

💢 Hey Guys, I'm really excited about this book and would really appreciate any feedback.

Now I know when I'm reading I forget to vote BUT I always comment when something has grabbed my attention.
So if you guys have any questions or really like a certain scene I'd love to know.

Anyways Love,

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