Death of Light

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She fought hoping that confronting the Sith master would buy her siblings time to escape. To live. To be the hope the galaxy so desperately needed. The Jedi Order had been destroyed. Order 66 had been executed, and their Father had turned to the Dark side. Her mother had begged and implored her to see to it that her 6 year old twin siblings were taken to Bail Organa so that they could be saved. Her mother had promised her that she wouldn't do anything rash, but Ailsie already knew that Padme was making preparations to  go find her husband, Anakin Skywalker.

Darth Sidious struck her with Force lightening, sending her sailing out into the hallway. She felt her body slam into the wall. She was beaten, bloodied, bruised, and burnt. Ailsie could just barely hear Leia gasp and almost scream. She felt herself land on the floor.

Then the twins were there. Leia looked at her.

"Why did you do it?" Leia sobbed.

"Because Leia, I was saving you two."

"But you could have escaped with us!" Luke protested.

"Luke," his sister replied growing tired, "We all know that wouldn't have worked. Besides that how we win now and how you'll win in the future. Saving what we love, not fighting what we hate." Ailsie replied her voice growing burdened and distant. And with those being her last words, she left the galaxy. She was now one with the Force.

 She was now one with the Force

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AN: So Sorry it so short. But it's a one shot. I'm not necessarily planning on killing Ailsie off for real. It's just that when I was in the theater I thought, "Oh wow! It would be so cool if those two sentences came from a Jedi's dying words. And it sounds totally like something Ailsie would say!"

May the Force be with you!


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