how i became

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    Hi my name is Abby Jackson.You have probably heard of my brother twin brother at that Percy Jackson .Everyone knows about me but they know to keep it a secret from percy.I feel bad not telling him but its what I have to do  to keep him safe.Your probably wondering where I grew up.I grew up on Olympus.It was hard growing up there but i wasnt alone at least.I had my friends there,layla Grace .and last but not least Zack de Angelo.You might've heard of their last names from other people but thats juts tgeir siblings its a long story. I am now 17 almost 18 percy has just defeted geaia and now its almost time to tell percy about me...

I am not excited....

(Hi my real name is abby berkenbile i am so happy to be writing this story i hope u all like it. And i wilk be updating as much as i can have a nice day)(i get all of my picturs from Google so i dont own them)

percy Jackson's sisterWhere stories live. Discover now