Witchcraft Gone Arye

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Tonight will be so much fun! Parker is staying the night with Seth's parents, Seth is staying the night, and it's New Year's Eve! I've got Vodka, Fireball, Jack Daniels and two ounces of Fruit Loop, tonight will definitely be fun.

"Hey Amythyst, what time is Seth supposed to come over?" My best friend in the world, Judi asked from her bedroom.

"Um, he didn't exactly give me a time, he just said in a little bit." I replied.

I could hear Judi let out a loud sigh. I giggled a little bit as I looked at the mirror attached to my large, dark red dresser. My shoulder length, pastel purple and pastel blue hair was a bit messy, and my bangs were covering one of my large, green eyes. I scanned my room for my hairbrush, but sighed in frustration when I couldn't find it.

"Whatcha looking for girl?" Judi asked as she entered my room. Judi was wearing a plain black tank top and some black basketball shorts. Her midback length midnight black hair was in a pony tail, and she had her black glasses on. They made her crystal blue eyes look large, in a cute way.

"My hairbrush." I groaned out. I walked over to her and pressed my face into her D cups. See, since she's about 5'8 and I'm only 5'3, my face goes perfectly into her cleavage.

"It's in the bathroom girl."

I looked up at her and smiled widely, all while fake sniffling.

"Dobby thanks master." I whispered before scurrying off to the bathroom.

Judi just began to chuckle at me. I got in front of the bathroom mirror and grabbed up my brush. I then brushed out my hair and spent a good minute on debating whether I should put on foundation. But my pale skin wasn't showing and dark rings around my eyes or anything, so I chose against it.

I gave myself a stern lookover. My c cup breast were nice and perky looking in this Avenged Sevonfold top I was wearing. My hips and ass looked great in my black skinny jeans as well. I've finally gotten to my almost ideal weight of 140. I just had like, another 10 pounds to go! Now Judi is a girl with some ass, like, a giant ass. She weighs about 190 or so, and a good 50 pounds, no exaggeration, is in her ass. I've nicknamed her Big Booty Judi. 

"Hey Amythyst, I think he's knocking," Judi yelled from her bedroom. I dropped my brush onto the sink because my mind went blank after she said that. But the barrel bark of my brindled, big eared, long tailed, fluffy mutt, Yoshi, snapped me back to reality.

"Oh no, don't go answering the door or anything Judi!" I sarcastically commented on my way to the door. Yoshi was anxiously awaiting for me to open the door. He's taken quite a liking to Seth since we've moved here, six months ago, and he gets very excited when Seth comes over.

"Oh, you sure? Cause I was just about to the door Amythyst." I heard her reply.

As I opened the door, I was grumbling under my breath.  When the door was opened, I was met to a black and red flannel covered chest. I looked up to see my friend Seth, whom just so happens to be 6'1, damn near an entire foot taller than me. And let's not forget that not only is he taller than me by almost a foot, but the lucky bastard is just as skinny as me! I don't know how he does it, I mean, he's fairly fucking muscular!

He looked down at me and smiled. I got momentarily lost in thought as I stared into his brown eyes, that had some of his shaggy black  hair in them, but quickly came back as he poked my nose. By this point, Yoshi was going ape shit trying to get Seths attention. Seth chuckled and patted Yoshi a few times on the head.

"Sorry," I whispered as a small blush crept over my cheeks. His short black hair was rather messy today, it was kind of cute.

"You're adorable." he said as he slide past me, patting the top of my head on the way.

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