Meet Layra

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Layra, the girl who is very quiet... Her red hair waving like bloodstreams, her eyes look everywhere as if she's looking for prey...
Oftenly keeps herself away from people to be... Ya 'know, comfortable. For some reason she has  very bad depression in her life. She couldn't find in everything she does and couldn't even find a reason to be happy. She never knew what it means to be happy...

In the world of fantasy, she would always be the lonesome. Yeah she has powers and talents alright, but she never actually stand out. Rumors say that she actually used her powers that are very rare and very unique, she sometimes use it for protection. But by the time Layra heard the rumors, she swore to herself that she will never use her powers again, if that will make her look like a freak. To be honest her world is full of freaks, she just doesn't know she's one of them. Every freak has powers, but they dont actually use them too much.

Layra doesn't know what's happening in the world. Actually, she doesn't care. But tomorrow will be the day that her life will change.

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