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I lock eyes with him, and he meets my gaze. We do that a lot. I guess it's kind of like "I love you", because we don't do that often. Baz isn't good at being soft.

"Bye, Snow," he says, reaching for the door. I nod.

"See ya." I watch as he departs, closing the door softly behind him. Agatha is coming today. She's been in California, and I haven't seen her since Christmas two years ago, the day I lost my magic. Baz and I both decided that he shouldn't be here when Agatha arrives, at least not at first. Agatha still hasn't really warmed up to him, and what other way to speed up that process than, "Hey, so after dating you I found out I was gay and am now dating my previous mortal (immortal?) enemy." Penny agreed with us. It's not like we're kicking him out of his own flat, anyway. He still lives in his own place, since deciding that after seven and a half years of being roommates, it would perhaps be better if we tried something new.

There's a knock on the door.

"I've got it!" I shout to Penny. She's behind me when I open the door, anyway. Agatha stands there, dressed in a pink and yellow sundress and a faux fur coat, carrying two bags. I swear I hear one of the bags bark. "Why are you wearing a sundress in November? And is there a dog in that bag?" She hands me her coat and I hang it up.

"I've missed you too." She says sarcastically, then hugs me tightly. I hug her back.

"Well, yes, of course I've missed you. But you can't just put a dog in a bag! Can it breathe?"

"Relax, I had Helen spell the bag; there's plenty of air in there." She says casually as she hugs Penny. Right. Of course. Magic.

I still feel a small pang in my chest when the subject comes up, but it doesn't bother me as much. My face doesn't fall anymore. Baz said he would never stop pitying me for losing my magic the way I did, but if that's so, it's certainly become a lot less noticeable. I kind of miss it. Now he and Penny don't hesitate to make me do work around the house. (Baz has chores at our house sometimes; his place is nearly always in perfect condition).

"And it was warm in California," Agatha interrupts my trail of thought. "How was I supposed to know it wouldn't be here?" I think she's joking. I hope she's joking. She unzips the barking bag and allows a small cocker spaniel to dash around the house.

"Is that the dog I possessed?" Penny asks, slightly bewildered. I join Agatha in a blank stare before remembering the story Penny told me. She had possessed a dog to speak with Baz that day. Penny and I burst out laughing, earning a disapproving look from Agatha. She picks up the cocker spaniel and sits down on the sofa. I close the door, now remembering that it's still open.

"Where's Baz?" Agatha inquires casually. My gaze shifts and I feel a little guilty that I can't tell the truth— Or, rather, can't bring myself to— but I recover quickly.

"He's couldn't make it. He's taking online courses for Oxford." It isn't a complete lie. He has been taking online courses; it was his compromise to his family wanting him to attend Oxford.

"Oh, okay." Agatha's voice is unreadable. Is she happy? Disappointed?

"You can sleep in my room." Penny says, more of a statement than an offering. Penny isn't one to waste time with politeness. We had decided ahead of time that Agatha would sleep in Penny's room, for fear that my room might smell like Baz.
(Which was really just a decision I made out of my own anxiousness. Only Baz himself would be able to pick up on a scent like that.)
(And maybe the cocker spaniel.)
(Plus, the only thing Baz would do in my bed is sleep.)
(It's not like... that.)

Finding myself alone in the lounge, I change into my pyjamas and head to sleep.

Author's Note: thanks for reading! I'm attempting to maintain the same personalities from the book, but sorry if those seem off. I'm also attempting to sound British, so bear with me, haha. Sorry this chapter is short, but that's because I plan on switching POVs often.
Key: ______ = time passed
————— = not relevant to the story line
Thanks again!

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