Gallio Awakens

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It was a warm sunny day, with a slight breeze carrying the fresh scent of the grasslands with it.  A good day for marching. Looking back at his troops Garen saw the sunlight gleaming off of their armor. Garen loved the sight of his troops marching, united, for one cause, but he also saw the weariness in their eyes. This was a long march. They had been dispatched to the borders of Demacia to destroy some voidlings that had appeared. It turned into a much longer campaign than they wished with the voidlings never ceasing. After months of searching and many long arduous fights, they had finally found the portal where they were entering this world and sealed it, by demolishing what was left of the old dilapidated building it was in and sending it crumbling down on top of the portal. Seeing the exhaustion on his means face was a hard thing to see. Most of these men were fathers who had been away from there families far too long. Garen considered making camp here for the night but decided against it.  Demacia was very close, they would get their first sight of its walls once they crested the next hill.  Camping in the shadow of their home would be worse for the men than the extra effort that it would take to finish out the trek.  As they crested the hill and the city came into view Garen could hear the murmurs and the movement of armor increase.  The tall marble walls of the city gleamed in the midday sun.  looking past the walls you could see the high domed buildings and the tall regal spires.  but towering over it all was The citadel of Dawn,  The palace of Jarvan III.  From here the colossal statues on its dome looked much smaller but still looked as if they were ready to protect the city.  Of course, this could never happen,  There was only one Statue in all of Demacia that could come to life, and it was never a good thing when it did.  Looking to the southern end of the city walls Garen caught sight of something that should not be there.  Gallio(1) the protector of Demacia had awoken.  Gallio only wakes when a powerful mage is running amok in the lands and that is what pushed his troops on.  The sight of Gallio was one that they feared.  It Meant that there was magic being used through the land.


1. The colossus Gallio was built ages ago by the protectors of Demacia.  Ironically he was built with a special kind of magic that allowed him to draw power from Mages.  Gallio only awakens when there is a strong mage in Demacia and uses that mages power to awaken.  When awakened Gallio will defend his homeland and his countrymen no matter what.  His victories are bittersweet though for once the mage is defeated Gallio no longer has a source of magic to draw from and returns to his lifeless form.


In no time at all the troops had reached the front gates of the city. Normally upon entering the city there would have been horns and cheering crowds welcoming home their loved ones and the protectors of Demacia. Today, however, the looks on peoples faces were panicked and scared. There was murmuring all throughout the crowd.  And the king himself was waiting for Garden to return, "My king, We have defeated the voidlings and are ready to aid in this new threat what shall you have us do?"

"You and your troops have done well in the protection of Demacia and our allies but Gallio has only just arrived and the threat has not presented itself to us yet. Send your troops to their families and see their bodies and minds rest. I would like a word with you before you depart for home though Garen." Garen then turned towards his troops and addressed them. "Today you have honored Demacia with the protection you have served with humility and have proven your selfs hero now goes and enjoy a hard-earned rest with family and friends." With that, his troops stood, bowed one last time to the king and left Smiles on their faces at the prospect of seeing their families again. Jarvan had turned towards the throne room and, with his troops on their way, Garen turned to follow the king.

Once inside the throne room, The guards were dismissed so that only Garen, Jarvan III, and his son Jarvan IV remained. The rooms white marble gleamed in the sunlight pouring in through the high windows and the immaculate throne pierced the room with its bright gold and silver and behind the throne was the banner of Demacia.  Once seated the king began to speak, "Garen, I would like you to accompany me when I meet with Gallio.  You have become a beacon for the people of Demacia.  They look to you for support in times of need and for courage in times of strife.  Now is when they need you the most.  If they see you talking with Gallio it is sure to ease their hearts and calm their minds.  For in this time fear and panic are the biggest enemies.  We do not yet know why Gallio has awoken and what is ahead of us, but I need you to continue to be the beacon for the people. Can you do This for me?"  

"Of course, my King.  If I may ask though, could this be related to the voidlings appearance near our borders?"

"It very well could be, I do not yet know.  I have also sent word to some of the other cities to be on the lookout.  I know that they are more trusting of magic than us but this could be a mage that is destructive an evil so I told them to be on alert.  Piltover Is even sending an envoy to speak with us directly and aid in the search if necessary."

"My King, May I speak freely?"

"Of course."

"I do not believe that this is a good idea, inviting the people of Piltover here.  The people may not like it.  Piltover is a city where progress and magic are one in the same."

"I have thought of this and to solve this problem I am going to have the people of Piltover be escorted by a guard at all times to make sure the people don't make any moves against them and that they make no moves against us."

"Who will be watching over them? will it be my Guard?" 

"Actually the Radiant Ones have offered their services on the matter.  Having come into contact with the people of Piltover before they have the most experience with them."

"What about my sister?" Garen asked before he could stop himself.  Yes, He cared for his sister but when it came to Demacia and its people he knew that no one life was above saving the entirety of the city.  

"She will be the liaison between the three parties involved, Demacia, Piltover, and Gallio.  She has some unique talents that may help us in this fight. Now go your sister should be returning anytime now with the people of Piltover I believe it is time for us to meet our potential allies in this endeavor."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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