Chapter 1

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Readers POV

"I'm home!" I yelled and walked into my house, I didn't see my boyfriend so I went up to our room, I heard squeaks and moans, I hoped he was just watching porn. I turned the nob and opened the door slowly, I saw him with some woman, he stopped and looked over at me shocked and scared. 

"Babe I can explain!" He yelled, I walked into the room and pulled him off her, I grabbed her by her hair and did the same to him dragging both of them out of the house and throwing their naked bodies outside into the cold night.

"Babe, Babe come on! We can work this out!" He yelled and I just ignored him, I walked into the kitchen and started drinking. After a few bottles, I ran out and decided to go to a bar. I walked out into the cold and found a small place called Muffets, I walked inside, sat at the left end bar seat, and asked the barkeep for some vodka, anything to forget the disgusting scene playing in my head right now. The lady with pigtails came over and handed me a shot.

"Nonono, I want da bottle..." I slurred out and she left it for me. I couldn't really see her face due to my hazed state, all well. I began chugging the bottle, the room started spinning, but I didn't care so I ordered another. I stopped drinking and turned to my right to see a tall pale motherfucker sitting beside me. 

"Oh my mother fucking shit dude, why the fuck are you so pale... do you know what the sun is? And like, why would you wear ORANGE???" He looked over at me, but I couldn't really make out his face... he was so pale... "To be fair, I haven't been up here for long, not my fault if I'm white as bones." He snickered to himself. "What... bones... dude are you high right now?"

"Not in my bar he's not!" The barkeep yelled and shot him a glare, lol. "Why not?" He asked and leaned on the counter. "It's illegal!" She yelled and handed him a bottle of honey... "Not for me!" He said and lit what I assume to be a blunt, the barkeep groaned and ripped the blunt from his mouth. As they bickered I felt myself getting really giggly as the room started spinning more before I knew it I was falling and couldn't stop laughing. Then I blacked out.

I woke up with a headache, I shot up and rubbed my head, I looked around to find I was in someone's bed. "Shit, what happened..." I groaned and flopped back down. "You pass out at Muffet's." I jumped up and looked at the door to see the same orange hoodie, but the person's face was hidden by the shadow of the door frame. "Well, thanks for not leaving me there..." I felt embarrassed that he had to take care of me.

He chuckled at my embarrassment. "Well I couldn't just leave you there, plus my brothers away so free bed." "Younger brother?" I asked, getting off the bed.  "How'd you guess?" He moved further into the shadows, making me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Car bed, kinda figured it wasn't yours stretch, you're a bit too tall for it." I said looking around the room. "Sorry about the mess we just moved here."  "Oh? Where are you from?" I asked and walked closer, he leaned down into the light. "The underground." I looked up to see a skeleton with a cigarette hanging from his teeth looking down at me, my eyes widened and I just stood there in shock.

It was my first time meeting a monster.

End of chapter 1

Honey and Cigarettes are disgusting (UnderSwap Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now