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"Yaaah! Why don't you just let me in .. eh?" Taeyang complained like a little kid with his candy stolen by others.

"How many times do I have to tell you NO." the man answered irritably.

"And why?"

"I told you already!"

"No, you didn't!"

"Yes I did."

"I don't remember anything."

"Yah! I explained it to you so many times earlier!"

"You did?" Taeyang asked innocently.


The man turned his back from Taeyang to face some paperworks. He sits on a swivel chair inside a small booth made of wood with a 'Ticket Booth' sign above.

"Why can't I remember anything then?" Taeyang insist.

"Because you didn't listen!" He answered without looking.

"Didn't I?"

The man faced Taeyang again with 'are-you-kidding-me' glares.

"Ehehe.. okay! okay! can you repeat it again? promise i'll listen carefully this time."

The man gave a deep sigh. "Okay, just this once... if you still don't listen I'm going to kick you out!"


"Okay, As I told you soooooo many times earlier.. I can't let you ride the heaven train. Why? because your name is not written in my master list.. That means you don't belong here. Get it?"

It takes Taeyang some time before he reacted.

"....... w-wait w-what? what do you mean by that?"

"Well.. There might be two reasons. First, maybe it's not your time yet--"

"You mean there's a possibility that I'm still alive?" Taeyang interrupted.

"Yes." He answered.

"Whoa! great!" Taeyang yelled happily. "But what is the second reason?"

"Second, maybe you belong..... there." he answered and point his finger downward.

Taeyang looked at what's the man pointing at and then he saw the white cloud flooring opened and a very deep and dark hole with a monstrous fire pit welcomed his eyesight which made his jaws drop and he felt goosebumps all over his body as he stared at the hole.

"Well?" the man asked.

"N-no.. No.. I'm pretty sure I don't belong there." Taeyang answered with sweated face.

"How sure are you? Do you remember all your doings before you died?"

Taeyang tried to remember his past but he failed.


"Do you even know what's the reason of your death?" the man asked which made Taeyang confused.

He couldn't remember everything. The man had read what's on Taeyang's mind so he tap him on his shoulder.

"Don't push yourself to remember, kid. That's natural.. all people who died really can't remember their past because we erase their memories, first thing before they enter this level and ride the train." he explained.

Taeyang looked at the other souls which are already in the train.

"But are they aware they are already dead?" he asked.

"Nope. They just know they're going somewhere far." the man answered quickly.

"But how do I know I'm dead when I'm already here? You said that you remove the deads' memories." Taeyang asked with confusion.

The man thought about what Taeyang said and he started to realize that he's right.

"Yeah! You're right! How did you come here?" he asked.

"Ahh... Hehe. Well, I'm just walking on a hallway and ended in front of a door with a 'Do Not Enter' sign... I was curious so I opened it and chaaaaaan!!! I'm already here." Taeyang answered with a wide smile.

The man just face-palmed himself.

"Okay. Come with me." the man told Taeyang and started walking.

Taeyang followed him until they reach a huge door. The man opened it and a very large screen is inside. It looks like a monitoring room.

"Where are we?" Taeyang asked out of curiosity.

"This is where we monitor every human."

"Really? How? There are too many people on earth.. so how can you monitor them all?" he asked with amazement.

"Actually, this is not the only room we are using to monitor everything... and please don't ask anymore because it's none of your business." the man said poker-faced.

"Oh, sorry." Taeyang apologized.

"Well... we're only using this room when a lost soul enter our place... just like you."

"I am a lost soul?" Taeyang asked in shock.

The man didn't respond and turned the monitor's switch on. He grab Taeyang's hand and put it on a hand sensor.. The monitor showed Taeyang's past real quick.

"As you can see. This is your past..." the man said.

Taeyang can't focus on the monitor because it's too bright. Suddenly, he felt dizzy until he lost consciousness..

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