He feels a little stupid; standing in an underground garage waiting for Pete to pick him up. With his large traveling bag, he feels as visible as if he's wearing a big sign. Patrick Stump meeting Pete Wentz for secret getaway.

They agreed to stay out of the public eye and not stir up any rumors - at least until they announce the end of the hiatus in the beginning of the next year. It meant a lot of sneaking around, but this feels ridiculous.

Going on a Christmas vacation together sounded counterproductive at first, but Pete made it sound really good. Their first Christmas together, the two of them in a snow-covered cabin, a fireplace and a bottle of whisky? How could he have said no to that? Who knows how crazy everything will get once the new album comes out.

Plus, Pete assured him they'd make it out of town together unseen. That's why Pete made Gabe rent them a van and he would not pick Patrick up at his house. Hence the underground parking garage.

And now he feels stupid and he's already a little freezing, the cold wind biting into his skin where he's not wearing gloves. Since they moved to LA, he admits, he's less comfortable in cold weather.

When Pete finally pulls up he's ten minutes late, but Patrick is not surprised; knowing Pete he's glad it's only ten minutes. Looking into the vehicle from the passenger side, Patrick thinks for a second he got the wrong van. Then he wishes he got the wrong van.

He pulls the door open in one swift move, leaning into the van to get a closer look at what must be Pete - hidden behind sunglasses and a wig that makes him look like a soccer mom with a mean five o'clock shadow – and waves his hand in Pete's general direction. Patrick's unvoiced question of what the hell this is hangs in the air between them.

Pete, oblivious as always, smiles like a proud kid with his head held up high as he takes off the sunglasses and weaves his fingers through the fake hair, proclaiming, "It's my disguise!"

A breathless chuckle escapes Patrick's lips when he throws his bag onto the backseat of the van before settling into his seat. When he said to Pete they should be careful he wasn't expecting that, but he should have.

"I can't look at you like this for the next seven hours," he says and adjusts his seatbelt, stretching his legs out in front of him. The van is big, a definite upgrade from the piece of scrap metal they drove around the country in when they started out. It also got a working heater; the air warm and toasty on Patrick's hands, his fingers tingling from the cold.

A little disappointed, Pete pulls the wig off and throws it behind him without even looking back.

"Let's go then."

The van lurches forward and Pete throws him an apologetic smile, but Patrick is more interested in the stereo anyway, not even bothering to say anything. He's searching for a radio station before remembering the playlist Pete had sent him yesterday. The high-tech sound system built into the van is another thing he would have loved to have back then. Pete made him promise not to listen to the playlist – titled Super Epic and Romantic Winter Road Trip 2K17 – before they left and it was an easy promise to keep. Connecting his phone now, he'll admit he's a little curious.

But when first song starts playing Patrick regrets ever getting into the van with Pete. His defeated groan is drowned out though, by that god awful new version of Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas that came out the year before.


They've been driving for a little over seven hours and Patrick is seriously ready to get to their cabin; his legs stiff from sitting in one place for too long. The snow has gotten worse and they're behind schedule because of some road construction. It's gotten pretty dark outside, too, but the road ahead of them is empty at least, so he's not really worried about it. But still, he'd rather already be on the couch cuddling up with Pete.

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