Ophelia Anderson

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A/N i'm sorry if any of this gets confusing. This book is set in the mid 1800's France so I apologize If you don't understand what is happening, there will be a few misspellings here and there. I will write in English for the most part so sorry. Also I will try not to write many backstories. Please comment if you have any suggestions. Thank you. I love you guys. Onto the story!

Okay, So I know this inst traditional how they write books or whatever. Nor is it Boy and Girl forbidden romance. Just saying. My story is more complicated than that. I should start with introductions. Hello My name is Ophelia Anderson, I have an amazing life note the sarcasm. At this point it really is just me and my best friend Genie Roness. Lets start with backstories because this is vital information here about my life to somewhat help you know whats going on.

Backstory_ when she was 10

I ran through the rose garden getting to the lily pond. Screams and sounds of cracking of a hard whip could be heard from behind me. I could feel the thorns from the bushes pulling at my green dress, my jeans falling down because they were too big. I slipped on something though I didn't know what it was. I was comforted by the stars I felt but, that was all I remember. Until I woke up.

(A/N This is all very cliche I know)

Everything was sore, didn't know what happened, but I vividly remembered the sounds. My breathing, the whip, screams. I got flashbacks my sister pushing me away telling me to run, to take my younger brother with me. Oh god my brother, I lost him somewhere I heard him scream. I shuddered at my memories not wanting to remember anymore. Where was I. Not my bed or my sisters, or brothers. I struggled to get my eyes open. My surroundings were of a purple room neat and tidy with calla lilies on the desk, a faint smell of cherries in the air. I knew where I was, the Roness house. I wiggled my toes feeling something on them, that something groaned and turned over. I bolted up in bed feeling an unfamiliar night dress pull at my skin. 

"What" Genie said and turned over to look at me. 

"wh-what happened" I stuttered out. Genies father Andrew walked in the room at this exact moment her mother Veronica followed after him. 

"Oh good, you're up dear's" she said rushing over to the both of us giving us a big hug. She was dressed in a pale lavender dress pleated down the sides pattered with golden lace, with a mint green stomacher to tie it all off.

 "Sweetie, do you know what happened to you" she said looking me in my eyes her hazel eyes full of concern her baby pink lip puffed out slightly.

 "N-non, I was hoping you could tell me." I said above barley a whisper. Veronica Roness looked down at her gloved hands. 

"well then lets get you to dressed then we can walk you back to your house." she suggested. 

"Oui" the response sounded hollow. but the thought of going back there made my stomach turn in knots.

 "Andrew dear" she called to her husband who was waiting by the door. "Can you get Cynthia and Heidi si'l vous plait." He nodded and walked out. Veronica waited a minute before standing up. "I'll see to it that breakfast is ready, Genie we can postpone classes until we get miss.Anderson back home." 

"Thank you maman" Genie said to her mother who gave a curt nod and walked out the door. Genie turned to me 

"you really don't know what happened do you" she asked me. 

"Oui, I do not." we both looked to the floor as if it held the answers to the universe. There was a knock. The door opened revealing to tired looking girls one blond, one redheaded. 

"Heidi, Cynthia." Genie and I rushed over to them giving them hugs.

 "Bonjour, Misses" they both said curtsying. 

"Can you help us get dressed si'l vous plait" I asked. "Of course" they said in unison. "

Heidi, Ophelia does not have a dress she can borrow my Coral dress" she said. 

"Of course mrs.Roness." Heidi said.

 "call me Genie si'l vous plait". 

"Oui mi-Genie." she started but thought better of it. 

"same for me please" They nodded. Heidi pulled a gorgeous gown from the closet where the rest of them were. 

"Come here please, Ophelia." Heidi called.

 "Oui." After much struggling she managed to get the dress on. It was beautiful. A coral color with a turquoise stomacher, the dress had a white lace trim on the sleeves and bottom of the dress. They put nice cloth gloves to cover the scraggly marks on my hands. I gasped at the sight of me. I actually looked- well presentable it was amazing.

 "Is everything all right Ophelia" I heard Heidi call from behind me. 

"oh thank you, thank you" I said burying my head in her blue maids uniform, the same Cynthia was wearing. 

"hush" she said turning me back towards the mirror. I need to do your hair. I sat there for 5 more minutes while Heidi expertly worked on my hair. She brushed it out, braided it, and pulled it in a bun, putting a silver clip in to hold it all in place. She pulled a few hairs out from around her hair to frame her face. She applied a small coat of pink lip gloss to my lips. I turned back towards the mirror admiring myself. My dark brown hair looked expertly done, the dress chosen was a perfect match for my amber eyes, It was amazing. Genie came out in the same dress but in a burgundy color with a lilac stomacher, her dirty blond hair was put up like mine held with a gold clip, her dress complimented her green eyes perfectly. We could have been sisters except for the hair and eye difference. 

"Ophelia you look beautiful" she sail walking over to me giving me a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"Thank you, you look amazing as well" They turned towards the door giving the maids a peck on the cheek on their way out to the kitchen where breakfast was served. They sat down across from Veronica who was reading the paper her hand over her mouth tears brimming her eyes.

"Maman, whats wrong!" genie exclaimed rushing over to her mother. Genie read the paper from over her mothers shoulder. Genie walked back to me and gave me a bone crushing hug

"what happened" I said fearing the worst

"your" she took a breath trying to compose herself  looking at me

"your family is dead" 

After that I fainted and don't remember what happened, but yeah that's how I came To living with the Roness family, transitioning to a day to day life

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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