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"Hey, want a sip? Gamzee glancing towards Kurloz. "No thank you." Kurloz said, "And what are you doing." Kurloz in a rude tone. "Drinking Faygo." Gamzee chugging the Faygo, and then pouring more into the cup. Gamzee lifted the Faygo bottle, which loses grip and then it fell on the floor, spilling. Gamzee frowned, knowing he'll have to clean up this mess he made. "Oh shit." Gamzee grunted, and grabbed a rag to clean it with. Kurloz leaned over the table and looking what Gamzee did. "You better clean it, moron." With a grin, laughing at him. Games was frustrated and was stressed, "I AM YOU DICK." Kurloz laughing at him. Gamzee turned and slapped him in the cheek. Kurloz pupils turned purple, charging towards at him. Gamzee leaped over him, "Your too slow." Gamzee grinned. Kurloz glanced at him.

Kurloz swinged his arm, thrusting his fist into his stomach. Gamzee grunted, which fell into the floor. The Grand Highblood, which came booming. "Knock it off you two." Kurloz and Gamzee was scared of him, because they disrespect they would have been smited by him. Or locked up in the dungeon.

"I'll kill you both, if your gonna risk your lives." Grand High blood said. With an angry look on his face, whom picked Gamzee would throw him across the room like a toy. Grand highblood, went back to his throne, sitting on the chair. The Grand High blood had armor of black and purple stripes. He had purple eyes, and giant fangs that are bared. He had kneecaps that were black and purple. The chair he leaped into on was made out of skulls. Some skulls had helmets, geasing the warriors and humans he had to have a war with. He did not hesitate, but he can smell fear from humans. He also had matted black hair, it was giant. He also had horns, the parts of horns had colors, from yellow to red.

Gamzee, who had a zodiac symbol on his shirt, it was the capricorn, that was his zodiac. Kurloz and The Grand Highblood was also capricorns.
Gamzee had the same set of horns, so did Kurloz. Gamzee can joke around and laugh, although he'll have to be serious at a time. Gamzee had a friend, named Karkat, he was a Cancer. Karkat also had the same set of horns, all the trolls did. Karkat had dark grey skin, and had anger issues and was always stressed because he wants to be serious of what he is doing. But Gamzee is messing around with him.

Later on, Gamzee spawned himself a  war hammer, it was colorful. As he settled it onto the ground, a tiny gust of wind blew around the hammer. Gamzee started swinging the hammer towards Kurloz. "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" Kurloz said. Gamzee, responded by smiling and saying yes. "Grand High blood won't approve." Kurloz said. Gamzee grunted and stopped gripping onto the hammer. He stopped swinging it. The hammer faded out.

Gamzee looked at the mirror with a frown. The reflection of him was scary. He had three purple wounds on his face, his blood was purple and sometimes mixed of colors. "Why do I look like this." Gamzee said.

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