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"N-no! Please... Don't hurt me!" she continued running, her pale thin legs aching as she ran faster. But she had to suck the pain up.

"There's no choice, little ant. You can't kill me" a deep, bulky, and echoey voice calmly spoke a few meters behind her.

"Heeeelp! Please, somebody, HELP!" She yelled out, sweating like crazy, she continued running for her dear life. "Light of the world, please help me and lift me up, Alight Dragon Wings!" She chanted as she reached a dead end in the thick Dragonite forest.

A beautiful pair of white wings shimmering the color of yellow appeared on her back. She tightly closed her eyes and tried ti naje her wings flutter upward, high enough for her to just run on the tree branches.

"It's no use" the voice echoed. "You're trapped, little slayer". The echo sounded as if it got nearer and nearer. "You're in the Dragonite Forests, and you're the wrong element to kill me." The dragon snickered.

The girl turned around, her wings dissapeared into beautiful feathers and slowly fluttered down into nothing. Her eyes wide and her mouth quivering as she tried to inch further away.

"N-no... Please, don't-don't kill me.. I-I'll do anything! Just please! I have alot of other things I want to do, I want to-to help people. Please!" the girl yelled, her face inching further as the dragons snout opened wide.

The dragon stopped midway, and then raised a brow. "Anything?" he asked amusedly. "Anything!" The girl answered louder, slightly yelling at the dark red dragon.

The dragon sat down, his tail circled the girl, then he wrapped her in his tail and bought her to him. "Well then... Open the portal." the dragon commanded.

The girls eyes widened even more, then she gulped, but still nodded. She turned back her head to look at the dragon and then made her index fingers maje a cross above her forehead.

"Brightened stars of the night light, grant me passageways to the unawakened dark world. Alight the portal!" the girl chanted. Her eyes shut tight and  her head hung low.

The dragons eyes sparkled in delight, finally being able to have the portal opened. The dragon looked back at the girl and then huffed.

A thick gray smoke came our of the dragons nose and started to surround the girl. "Wha-what the?!" The girl coughed. "Why-?!" "I didn't say I would free you" the dragon snickered.

The girl grit her teeth but had no choice. She reached a hand out of the smoke that was beginning to engulf jer, slowly making her less and less visible. With the last ounce of her energy, a beautiful white ray of light shimmering the color of yellow shot into the air and split into 6.

With the girl engulfed in the smoke, the dragon flew upward and flew away. No one knew if the girl dissapeared with the smoke, or if she teleported away, or something else happend. No one knew about it, actually.

   "Once upon a time... In a magical place far far away, dragons ruled over."
     "Humans cower in fear, hiding from the dragon as much as possible while trying to survive and protect one another."
     "No human dared to learn magic powerful enough to defeat the dragons. Until 8 children were born."
     "They weren't siblings, none of them were related to another. They were just 8 normal children bought into the wonderful world at a terrible time."
     "Their parents died because of a dragon, leaving them to fend for themselves at a young age."
     "The children trained themselves in a small clearing in a forest far from th dragons. They defended themselves and soon learned magic after willpower, hope, and magic training books their parents left them with."
    "Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, months turned into years. And the children grew into beautiful and handsome teen agers."
    "They succesfully killed the dragons. Everyone celebrated the joyous event. But they were to happy to question who killed them."
    "Men believed the dragons killed themselves after an argument. Women believee the dragons got a sickness and died. Children believed fairies came to the rescue. But a lone man saw all the action."
    "He saw how all the dragons were killed, he saw how the dragons cowered in fear from human teen agers. He went and told the people."
     "Later on the people got more into research, and found out that indeed, 8 teens had killed such horrible dragons."
     "A travelling man on a quest to find the 8 teens hadcfound them in their clearing, eating a dead pig they killed."
     "They were introduced to him, to the people, and to their world of magic. They were known as the Rainbow 8"
     " The Rainbow 8 consists of the Eight Dragon Slayers who once saved the world from them."
     "Composing of the representative colors, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and black."
     "Blood, Fire, Light, Nature, Sky, Water, Ice, and Shadow dragon slayers make up the Rainbow 8."
     "Bloom red blood, Flarron orange fire, Lizuki yellow light, Trishure green nature, Wiphia blue sky, Meli purple water, Snice white ice, and finally, Shafe black shadow."
     "The world became much more peaceful after the people learned they can trust in the Rainbow 8."
     A dragon with two swords forming a cross over its chest and two Garland leaves on the side inside a circle appeared inside her mind.


Julia woke up wondering why she dreamt of a story Old Mrs. Kate had told her and the rest of her class during her grade school days.

Julia didn't even know she somehow remembered the whole story. But she soon thought that she must have kept them somewhere in the very back of her brain, far from her memories.

But she was amazed that she still remembered, heck, she easily forgot the things she studied the night before examinations. So you could see why she would have been surprised.

She walked down the stairs and saw Zen, her apartment 'roomie' as he liked to call them.

The two of them were friends since childhood, and spent a lot of time together. Now that they were teens -but Zen has is secretly a 5 year old in disguise- and were practically siblings.

Now the two were 15 and went to school that also had boarding homes, aka dorms, the two were stuck together.

"Hey Zen" Julia greeted him. His feet were on the coffee table and his hand in a half full popcorn bowl and the other had a handful of popcorn near his mouth. He had a shocked and worried expression.

Julia walked over and peeked at the television screen. Alice through the Lookint Glass was showing on HBO. It was one of the parts when Alice had 'missed' putting the chronosphere in the clock thing.

Julia shrugged, she already saw the movie on her laptop. Zen however, was dumbfounded. "Wha-wha... No...." he muttered.

Julia giggled. "Why so schocked, Zen?" she asks with a sly grin. Zen popped the handful of popcorn into his mouth and pointed at the bowl.

"I just made the popcorn and NOW the movie is almost done..." he tears up, still gazing sadly at the bowl and the television.

Julia covered her mouth with a hand and tried not to laugh. "Alright. Well just watch another movie" she suggested and plopped down beaide him. "But this time, with me" she smiled and stole the popcorn from Zen.

Zen looked at her wide eyed and wide mouhed. "Of course, whatever" he chuckled before shaking his head and finished the movie.

All was going well until there was heavy shaking all around.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2018 ⏰

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