Stuck with the Jerk

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Author's note:

This is a writing prompt with the theme, Cupid Strikes on New Year.

I'm a detailed writer, and so, a 1,500-word writing prompt is not enough for me to write these scenes, so it may feel kind of rushed.

Anyway, you can check out the soundtrack of this one shot story above. I hope you'll enjoy this!


10:00 am, Hongkong International Airport

Brianna Jackson's POV

I cannot wait to get off this plane. If I will not be able to get up in the next minute, I might have a pressure ulcer in my pretty ass for long hours of sitting.

A sigh of relief comes out of me when the plane has finally landed and everyone starts moving.

I am about to stand when one particular guy with unkempt black hair has caught my attention. He is standing in the aisle as he reaches for his luggage from the overhead bin. He is wearing a sky blue polo shirt with buttons undone over his white undershirt.

Oh wow...just look at those arms. They look so strong, like they can carry me for days, and damn those veins for making it look sexier.

I look at his face in side view, and a sudden familiarity made my eyes widen.

Wait a minute...

Is that Grayson Dix?! Holy shit.

He suddenly glances at my direction, and the moment those ocean blue eyes meet mine, I feel like my breathing has stopped. My heartbeat speeds up like a horse catapulting out of the gate for the first race of the day. He immediately returns his eyes up to his stuff, like he just saw an average, not-worthy-of-his-stare woman.

I suddenly feel offended. Am I not attractive?

I hold onto the chair in front of me as my eyes squint to confirm that I am seeing what I am seeing...

But who could ever forget that jerk's gorgeous face?

I plop back down on my seat as I continue to discreetly watch him. I can still remember those high school days that I am secretly crushing over him, until he stole my first kiss.

I was peacefully standing in front of my locker when someone grabbed me, then pushed me against the locker door and roughly pressed his lips on mine. I remembered those same ocean blue eyes, so mischievous yet so alive and satisfied as they bore down at my shocked state.

The kiss might be harsh and quick but I admit that I liked it...

His breath was so warm, and his lips tasted wonderful, like a sweet and minty dessert. For a second or two, I was swept away into a magical land of paperback romance. Everything in the background blurred away into roses and hearts.

He stopped kissing me and gave me a contemptuous smile.

"I told you I can identify easy and random girls. Well, all of them are, in my case." he cockily claimed in front of his friends. I was surprised to see them, as I thought he was alone.

Stuck with the Jerk (One-shot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora