Chapter 1- Sunken Airey

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The bell rang signalling the end of school and the beginning of a crappy weekend, stuffed full of homework and the oldies up in Unglè Forest. Everyone pushed and shoved to get to their lockers but I took my time not in a hurry to begin the weekend.

The blazing sun burnt my exposed neck and stung my eyes, making me squint. I slowly began walking toward the main road gate the bundles of people squishing me between them and the buildings and fences.

As I passed a group of year 9 girls I caught a snippet of their conversation. "-totally in love with you!" Squealed a girl with a huge striped bow clipped in her hair. It looked like a rainbow threw up on it. "He's gonna ask you out and you have to say yes!" Said a different girl. "You two would make the cutest couple!" Added another girl. I rolled my eyes. This is what high schools about.

"Piper!" I spun around searching for the source of the voice I knew all to well.

Leah came skipping towards me, her wavy light brown hair trailing behind her. Reaching her shoulder blades, her hair was a perfect match for her soft brown eyes, ringed in jade green. Freckles dotted her cheeks and nose and her permanently smiling face was, no surprise, smiling. Her height is similar to mine but only slightly shorter and her frame is thin and fit.

She slowed next to me, beaming.

"What's up?" I asked, stopping at the lights. I spotted the year 9 girls I saw before next to us. They were still talking about boys and rainbow vomit girl was boasting about a boy that's apparently head over heels in love with her.

"Is it illegal to want to walk home with my best friend?" Leah made her voice sound as innocent as possible and fiddled with the chain around her neck.

I narrowed my eyes at her, unconvinced. It's not that she never walked home with me it's just that I'd never seen her act so fidgety. She was now twirling the strap on her bag continually and chewing on her lip.

"Leah.........." I said suspiciously. We made a pact that we'd always tell each other everything and although it may had been in Grade 3 we still stuck by it. Most of the time.

"What?!" She asked looking incredulous that I'd been suspicious.

I gave her a long hard look. "Nothing," I said slowly. "Is Airey still not back?!" I asked eager to change the subject. Leah looking uncertain was not something you saw everyday and it was scaring me.

"No! He's not!" She said losing all the uncomfortableness. "I hate him!"

Airey, the third wheel that made up our trio had gone on a 2 month holiday to America and was due back today.

"That buthead!" I shrieked.

"Uuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrgggghhhhh," Leah and I both groaned in unison.

"Not the welcome back I was hoping for but I'll take what I can get!"

"Airey!" Leah and I both spun around quicker than I thought possible and engulfed Airey in a bear hug. He stumbled backwards and made a sound halfway between a wheeze and a chuckle.

"Ok, ok! I'll never your strength again! Just please don't suffocate me to prove your point!" He spluttered.

We both pulled back and grinned at him. He managed to squeeze a grin in before his lungs attacked him. He began coughing violently, his body wracked with shudders. I exchanged a look with Leah, she wore the same expression as me. Horror and confusion.

We both stepped forward to help and he stepped back and held his hand out as a gesture that his fine.

"Are you ok?" Leah and I asked. The dumbest question ever, he was clearly not ok.

He took a deep breath and gave a half hearted smile.

"You're not ok!" Leah exclaimed, looking at him wide eyed.

"Stating the obvious Leah?" I said rolling my eyes. She glared at me.

"I'm fine!" He countered coming towards us.

I took a minute to actually look at him. His skin had a grey tinge to it and hung loosely down his face. Dark bags, no bags didn't even begin to cover it, surrounded his blue eyes, they were more like suitcases. He looked considerably thinner and more unhealthy looking. He was usually really good looking, I had spotted countless girls drooling over him. His black hair and light blue eyes were a match made in heaven and his athletic frame and height made him even more so.

"Liar-wait what is that?!" Leah's gaze fell on his right arm.

I followed her gaze and just managed to see the end of a painful looking thick red gash before he shoved his sleeve down wincing slightly.

"Oh my god, Airey! What is that?!" Leah tugged at his sleeve trying to expose the cut and even though she was barely touching him he winced every few seconds.

He continued to resist. "Let us see it, you idiot! It looks really painful!" I exclaimed getting frustrated. I was half screaming and a few passing people glanced at us.

He sighed, exasperated. Carefully and ever so slowly he rolled up his sleeve, flinching every time he made contact. Leah and I both were leaning forward in anticipation and I resisted the urge to slap his hand away and rip the sleeve up.

We both gasped. Utterly speechless at what he had uncovered. A thick gash ran from his wrist to just above his elbow. Different shades of reds and browns ran through it as well as splots of yellow, which I imagine would be pus, ands sickly streams of green. No idea what that would be! And was I hallucinating or was there a thin layer of hair poking through the cut.

I was disgusted but I couldn't seem to look away. I was transfixed on it.

"!" I breathed.

But before I could elaborate Airey shoved his sleeve down covering up the last of it.

".....the hell Airey?" Leah stuttered.

We were both staring at him with wide eyes. He stared back unblinking, breathing heavily. We didn't need to speak for him to hear the questions.

"Wha-," Leah and I began to bombard him just as I car honked on the side of the road.

We all turned to see a blue SUV.

"Aaaaaahhhh......I've gotta go, I'll see you guys later," his voice wavered slightly as he jogged to the car.

Leah and I stared in shock at Airey's retreating figure.

"AIREY!!!" We screamed but he was already halfway down the street lost from our sight.

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