Chapter 1

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"No Jano, flick left, if you flick right you'll be dismembered in a second." The gruff teacher instructed.
"Yes, master." She replied glaring at her partner before walking to her mat in the circle of students.
-Why did the master have to correct me in front of all the students?- Jano thought angrily.
"It is a better method of learning." A voice whispered from beside her.
"Stay out of my head, Ben. I've told you not to do that."
"And I've told you that I prefer Ren." The black haired boy said with a roll of his eyes "and my wishes go unheeded, just like yours."
"I am not in a mood to be messed with." Jano said with a warning look.
"Whatever you say." He chuckled. "But I'm right and you know it. Master Luke teaches well."
Other students had been fighting and then Ben's name was called. He took a spot in the middle of the room with a practice saber, which only numbed anything is came in contact with. A boy with red hair was called to fight him.
-This will be far too easy for Ben- Jano thought -with his skill of perusing a persons thoughts, he'll know how his enemy will attack-
Ben caught her eye and winked.
-Why you devil!- the fight began.
Ben spun his saber with superior ease, intimidating his opponent. With a childish jab from the red haired boy, the loud clash of the sabers was heard. It seemed an easy win. Ben easily blocked all of the attacks thrown at him, he seemed to be toying with the other boy. He sneered and turned away, the poor red head charged and was blocked, but he reacted instinctively and jabbed Ben's leg. "Ben, you must not lower your guard for a moment."
Ben flexed his hand after returning the saber. His hands clenched with his violent anger. That had been the last duel of the class and Ben rushed from the building as soon as the doors opened.
"Ben!" Jano yelled as she ran after him. She chased him far beyond the housing buildings and over the creek into what was a wasteland discarded items. By the time she was close enough to talk to him, he'd lunged at a mass of broken robots with his real saber. Metal was torn apart and a shower of shards and sparks flew in a directions. "Ren." He spun and pointed the saber at her. Then he realize who it was.
"What do you want? If you want me to leave your mind alone, don't bother me either." He said fiercely closing his saber.
"Ren, I'm sorry." She said, her eyes following him as he leaned against a sand-colored rock. She walked towards him and spoke again. "He's right."
"I know." Ren said slumping to a sitting position. He banged his fist in the dirt.
-Master Luke can be so cruel. I have worked and I know Ren has worked on his saber skills, and yet no, we are not enough.- Jano thought as she sat down next to him.
Ren smirked.
-Just this once, Ren.- she looked at him.
"It's hard not to read your thoughts, dear Jano."
"But it is harder not to hear yours. What goes on underneath all that anger?"
"I could teach you." Ren said hopefully.
"Only if you will remain calm."
"I know my anger is disgusting, it disgusts even myself, but it is the only way I know how to calm myself. I haven't been able to do anything else since I was dumped here."
"Dumped? I would have thought it an honor to be trained by a true Jedi knight."
"Ah yes. It would be, if it were not for all the criticism and neglect. Not many know it, but Master Luke is my uncle. His father was a great Sith Lord, rumour has it that he could stop death."
"But such power, it can surely only be dreamed of."
"I suppose so. Apparently anyone he wanted to live, left him as he learned how to stop it."
"Power corrupts."
"So... You will teach me?"
"If you wish it."

A/N: I think I'm going to start adding my own fan art and maybe create a picture of what Jano looks like. What do you think she looks like?

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