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"How do you feel?"

This. This is a question that has been hunting me for years.
A question I have always avoided as if dodging it may save me.
A question I have always avoided as if dodging it may erase everything.
A question that I have always avoided,


Well.. The truth is that.. I don't know.
For years I've been trying to find my answers to this question - answers I haven't found yet.. Answers which I will probably never find.. At least not until I get away from here - until I get away from him.

My mind is a mess...
I can't find my words. I can't form a proper sentence without thinking about everything that he did to me until now and will probably do until I get away from here.

Scared. Petrified. Lonely. Empty.
These are only a few of the emotions I am dealing with every single day - every time I see him in front of me, every time he makes a move, every time he's talking to me.

He is my biggest fear
He = the person who has completely destroyed me as a whole, as a person.

My father ...

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