ONE: The Intruder

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Rain fell quietly against the small window. Marinette stretched her arms out. Time to get ready for bed. She opened her drawer to rows of neatly folded pajamas ready to be worn. Dragging her finger over them one by one quickly before picking a matching set, she got dressed.

The taps against the glass were soft and the rain was calming. She loved the noise it made. Like thousands of dripping faucets all conspiring to make music. Soft and soothing.

The song was interrupted by a knock.

"Come in." She said gazing at the roof hatch.

Her eyes met with green hues that begged her to unlock the hatch first. She giggled softly and climbed up the stairs unlatching the door for the stray. She stepped aside. Where did curiosity bring him at this hour?

"Good evening Chat Noir."

"Marinette, is that right?" His attempts to be discrete with her were of his best interest. If she were to know who he was whatsoever he would never hear the end of it from Ladybug. Marinette nodded her head 'yes' and continued down her steps back to her nightly routine.

"What brings you here?" She asked him as she started to brush through her hair.

"Oh...well, I came by to make sure you were okay. I mean after all of the work today helping me fight off Evillustrator again you must be exhausted." He said sitting with his legs folded on her bed. He began to look over a magazine that was left on her bedside table.

"I appreciate the concern Chat Noir, but I'm perfectly fine."

He scowled a bit looking down at her. "Normally I would believe you, but since you took a couple blows from him today I would say you're lying."

She smiled lightly looking up. Her dimple came through just a bit. "I'm flattered that you thought of me but really, it's nothing."

"Tell that to your bruises. I'm not convinced those are nothing."

"Look he hit me twice. I'll be okay by tomorrow. I promise."

He held his head down. His hands were shaking a little but she couldn't see from where she was. She finished up and went back up to her bed.

"I should have been able to protect you Marinette. I should have stopped him sooner. I could have-"

"Hey, don't worry about what could have happened. It's over and done with. Just know that it's not your fault."

He grew angry with himself "But it is. You're a normal civilian. It wasn't right for me to put you into a dangerous position like that."

"Oh...a normal civilian..."

"No that's not what I meant. I just-"

"Chat Noir, I may not be very capable of many things but I can take care of myself. I don't need you to be my hero all the time."

He looked away sadly. The fake ears on his head flopped down as if they were a part of him. "Listen I...I know you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself...but that isn't going to stop me from protecting you. It's just not in my nature. So it hurts me to see you hurt." He said softly. She could see in his eyes he wasn't okay.

"S-sorry I was being rude." She said awkwardly. She sat next to him on the bed watching as he sulked. His golden hair covered his face.

She sighed touching his shoulder. "For what it's worth Chat Noir...I'm really glad you thought of me. You really didn't have to come here at all. That was really thoughtful of you."

He chuckled a bit. His face still looked sad though. "Thanks...I mean you're my fri- you're my acquaintance and I'm really big on first impressions."

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