Chapter One

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According to my grandmother, teachers, and other adults, I'm a slacker.

To be honest, that is exactly what I am. My days are spent lounging on the couch with the best view of the television. However, I am not to blame for this problem because I simply hate the sun.

I'm more of an artificial light person to tell the truth. The sun is way too hot and bright for my liking. I'm sure everybody faces this predicament, because it is hard to ignore. How am I meant to be productive outside when the sun gets me all parched and sweaty? At least staying indoors is cooler, thanks to the monstrous ceiling fan in the living room.

It just so happens that the living room couch is right underneath the fan, so of course I have to sit there in order to not die from the early summer heat.  And as I take my refuge on the couch, the television just sits there, glaring at me to turn it on. What better way to get entertainment? Really, I blame the setting of the living room for making me a slacker. And the lack of fans in the rest of the house.

If only my grandmother would place a ceiling fan in my bedroom. Maybe then I would spend more time with schoolwork. 

I mean it. It just isn't my fault.

You see, that is my issue. Most people say I am much too easily distracted but the truth is, I pay attention to the important matters at hand. What if, while finishing my math homework, I miss the doctor saying farewell to Jo? That occurred, and it was a horrible, long week waiting for that episode to play once more.

I avoid my homework for good reason: my sanity. I happen to have my priorities straight, unlike some people. And my priorities include bawling over Jo's departure. Surely if I ace my tests, it would make up for the lost homework?

Sadly, my grandmother doesn't agree. This is why on this late spring day, I have been kicked out of the house.

Well, for a few hours at least.

I sighed as grandmother shut the door in my face, telling me to do something productive for once. My own flesh and blood, letting me suffer at the mercy of the sun.

I trudged around the house a few times, trying to find a way inside. It seemed to be that grandma locked every door and window, so I was stuck outside.

I finally decided to go to the corner store nearby after finding a couple dollars on the street. Walking along the street, I found my spirits starting to lift as I remembered something wonderful. School was almost finished, another year done. Eleventh grade wouldn't be missed, it was far too annoying having the seniors bagging on the rest of the school. Not that I got bothered or anything. In fact I felt quite sorry for those idiots who will be going nowhere in life.

I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Anderson, the stoner who seems to enjoy putting innocent little freshmen in lockers and toilet bowls, ends up washing my car in a few years. That is, if I'm kind enough to offer him a job. Truth be told, I wouldn't be so nice.

Luckily I managed to leave unscathed because my height makes me blend in with the upperclassmen.

Being tall is wicked awesome, because little sixteen year old me can manage to look older, maybe a senior. It has its downsides too though, because every single person I come across asks if I play basketball.

I burst out laughing every time, because as was mentioned earlier, I am a slacker.

And what do slackers such as myself do? Avoid work because it takes too much effort.

Finally arriving at the corner shop, which was a full five blocks away, I put my hand on the door only for someone on the inside to open the door with such great gusto, that it hit my head.

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