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****Well here we go. Hope it doesn't suck but anyway constructive criticism is always welcome (not too harsh 😉) hopefully it's half decent and people can get at least a little laugh or enjoyment out of it. Enjoy my darlings ****

I awoke to the sound of my alarm going off again, telling me I was definitely going to be late for school. I'd snoozed the thing like 10 times, but honestly I was finding it so hard to move out of my warm duvet I was beyond caring. I pressed the snooze 1 more time, really what's an extra 9 minutes in bed? Who even decided at Apple that 9 minute snoozes were the best amount of time? I was constantly late. Damn you Steve jobs.

Suddenly the bedroom door flies open, sounding like the hinges had ripped off of the wall and scaring me half to death. I'm greeted by the familiar site of my evil stepbrother, just like every morning.

"Wake up you lazy shit" Cole yells at the top of his voice, making me once again jump out of my skin.

I duck my head under the covers as he yanks open the curtains letting in all the light into my cave.

"Really Cole? Why do you do this every morning?" I ask, my voice probably sounding muffled from underneath the duvet but I said it loud enough for him to hear me.

"Because I love torturing you" I hear him say nonchalantly, before I feel the sudden chill of the air as my bedding is pulled from me, leaving my body exposed to the cold as I cradle myself to try to keep any warmth possible. Why did I wear shorts and a crop top to bed, it's Baltic. I hear Cole laugh at my pathetic attempt.

You see, Cole loves to see me struggle in any way. Ever since my Mom married his dad 6 years ago, he's made it his life mission to make me miserable. He always pulls pranks on me, like 1 time he put a plate of pickles in the back of my closet and my whole room stunk for weeks. I looked everywhere for the smell, until finally I found it hidden underneath a few shoe boxes. All my clothes stunk of pickles, and had to be dry cleaned professionally to finally get the stench out. Oh and he still calls me pickles just to wind me up, knowing how much I actually hate that nickname gives him so much pleasure it's not normal behaviour.

I got him back of course. It's sort of our thing, we constantly prank eachother. It's our only form of communication really.

"Nice legs" he says while actually eyeing my legs, before sitting down on my bed, smirking at me. That ass hole. I lift my feet up quick, and in 1 swift motion I kick him off of my bed. He stumbles onto the floor with a loud crash. That'll teach him.

"Pervert" I huff past him as I make my way into my bathroom and finally begin to get ready for school.

He stands arms crossed at the bathroom door watching me "Hurry up will you, we're late every day because you need to sort that mug out"

I pause brushing my hair, giving him the look. You know the look, the piss off look. I know he gives me a ride to school every day seems that  he's the 1 who has a car, and his dad would moan at him if he didn't. He got kicked out of his school 18 months ago for some reason that has never really been discussed, so I've had to put up with him in my School life also. Those couple of hours for 5 days a week I'd be away from him were total heaven, I miss those days so much it hurts.

He stares blankly at me, before rolling his eyes and making his way back to my bed before he lies down and begins reading the magazine from my bedside table.

"Just give me a minute okay" I shut the door to him, before putting on my clothes that I hung up last night. Im wearing a cute grey dress, a denim jacket and some cute little ankle boots. I give myself a final glance in the mirror, run my fingers through my long brown hair, apply some gloss and I'm good to go.

I open the door to find him still in the same position on my bed, only now he's on his phone.

"You got rid of that morning breath then?" He asks me sarcastically, not bothering to look up from his phone.

"Yep. Maybe you should take some tips off me hey, seems yours smells like you've ate cat poo for breakfast" I say back, not missing a beat.

He fakes a laugh, before jumping up quickly and pulling me into a headlock, messing up my hair with his rough hands.

"Nice 1 pickles" he laughs, as I elbow him hard into the ribs. He lets go, his continuous mocking laughter at my attempt to hurt him echoing as he makes his way down the stairs. I follow him down, saying goodbye to my mum and James, Coles dad.

Honestly, I really like James. Even if he did Father Satan himself. He made my mom really happy, and that's all I cared about. Since she married him when I was 10, he has always treated my like a daughter. He never tried to replace my dad though, my dad died when I was 6. I remember my mom being so sad all the time, until she met James. She hasn't stopped smiling since, they are always kissing and hugging which is super cute and super gross at the same time.

Cole revs his engine as I jump in the back before speeding off down the road. I sit in the back because 1. I don't like being that close to him and 2. Because he picks up his best friend Grayson every day. I don't mind though, because Grayson is so cute it's great I get to perve at him every single morning. We pull up outside his house, before I see him come out of his front door and make his way to the car. He spots me in the back, flashing me that killer smile that makes my knees go abit weak.

Gosh he's so fine.

He nods to Cole, before turning his attention to me in the back seat while buckling up his seatbelt "Hey Mila. How are you?"

Im imagining what our children would look like. I bet they would be beautiful. His girlfriend is such a lucky girl.

That bitch.

"Erm, are you okay Mila?" He asks again.

I suddenly realise I haven't replied, instead I've sat staring at him for a good 60 seconds. Oh I could just die.

The shame.

I clear my throat and flash him a confident smile "yep, sorry about that. I'm good Grayson, how are you?"

Before he can reply however, I hear Cole and his stupid chuckle from the other side of the car.

"Bloody hell Mila, wipe the drool from your chin will you" he teases, making me feel an inch big in front of Grayson. Although when I look to Grayson he seems quite, I don't know. Flattered?

I'm sick of Cole always trying to embarrass me. I need to get him back.

We pull into the school parking lot, before the engine comes to a stop.

I lean forward, so my face is inches away from Coles. I make my voice as smooth as velvet.

"What's the matter Cole? You jealous?" I taunt him back, I see the shock on his face before I hastily jump out of the car leaving him speechless. I feel his eyes burning into my back as I walk over to greet my friends.

Game on, asshole.

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