Izzy's Got a Gun

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"See you later, Jess. Thanks for your help. " I said, grabbing my set of keys off the counter. Short, plump, tattooed and purple - haired looked over. She was awesome. I loved working with her. She grinned over the store VCR, which was spitting out tape again.

"Bye, Axl. Try to stay out of trouble!" She laughed. "Oh, by the way, some guy came by earlier when you were on your break. Smaller, fluffy blonde hair, kinda looks like a Labrador? He said he was your friend and that he and "the guys" were going to pick you up when you were done working. After he tried to pick me up, of course."

"Cool, thanks Jess. Goodnight, I'm going to smoke." I waved to her and walked out. LA was alive, the neon lights glaring in the warm darkness. Ugh. I hated the smell of the smog; it dried out your mouth. Whatever. At least I had an amazing night to look forward to. Izzy and I hadn't spent any quality alone time together in a while... He wanted to veg out in front of our shitty TV and eat Chinese food. With maybe some sex thrown in there. I smiled, a warmth spreading in my heart. Thank God no one else could see the cheesy soap opera playing out in my head.

I tapped out a cigarette and fumbled for my lighter. Who knew 12 hours could suck this much. But I was saving up; it had to be done. It wasn't my turn to pay rent this month, but I saw something...special...that black B.C. Rich in the pawn shop across the street. Izzy's last guitar broke when Slash got drunk and tripped over it, and I knew he would shit himself over this one. I...I wanted to do that for him... no matter what it cost, I was going to make sure Izzy held that guitar in his hands. Even if it meant skipping breakfast for a few weeks.

I dragged on my cigarette. Geez, these guys were late. What the fuck were they doing, raiding a liquor store? Or maybe they fell asleep. We were up pretty late last night. I heard sirens across town. Some underage party got busted again, I bet. Or a drug raid. That seemed to happen pretty often here. Last week some underground prostitution ring got busted right in front of the store. They dragged the guy out of that office building faster than he could fight back. Some greasy, Godfather-looking guy. Skeezy. I could hear the resident stray cat meowing behind the store. We put food out for him sometimes: Cheetos, pieces of hot dogs, Skittles...Jess said something about keeping him...if her landlord didn't spot him.

Hands, two pudgy hands grabbed me roughly around my mouth and waist and yanked me into the deep, dark alley by the store. My heart thundered wildly in my chest and I dropped my cigarette. Fuck, fuck...Jess, this isn't funny. I'm sorry for putting ketchup in the cash register if this what this is about...But no, these weren't her hands. She wore black nail polish...these hands were sweaty and greasy, and reeked to high fucking heaven. No, no, no, no, no! A heavy voice breathed in my ear, covering my mouth.

"Hey, pretty baby, whatchoo doin' all by your little lonesome out here? Got no one to sex you up? Want me to make you feel good?" His voice dripped with alcohol and drugs. All my hair stood on end. What the fuck? Jesus Christ, asshole, I'm a guy! A guy! I don't have any tits, can't you see that? Let me the fuck go! I bucked and twisted in his grip, trying my fucking hardest to wriggle free. His clothes smelled like cheap cigars and motor oil. I felt so sick--I had to get away, I couldn't let this happen--not like in St. Louis when---

I did the only thing I could do--I bit him. Hard. The taste of blood and grease flooded my mouth and made me almost puke right then and there. The fat pig howled in pain, but his fingers tightened around my side like a vice. Lightning flashed in front of my eyes and my heart stopped as I felt something break inside my stomach. White-hot pain rushed up my body so fast I got dizzy! I screamed into his bloody hand, I didn't want to, but the pain was so horrible--

BANG! Something hard and heavy collided with the side of my face. Lights popped in front of my eyes and something wet ran down my face. It smoked and stung, but the pain in my stomach swallowed everything else up like it didn't exist. I held on, trying not to lose consciousness. He grabbed my wrist and twisted it, threatening to snap it. I could feel the bones in it creaking, ready to split if he moved them even a hair. No, no, no, no, no--

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2018 ⏰

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