Cosmic Middle School

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Apparently I'm a Imperial. A special one at that. But that dosen't matter since now I'm being shipped off to someplace not even on Earth. I'm being asked to enroll in a place I didn't even know existed 'till this very moment, just so I can be a part of a prophecy. So you know what I said to them?

"Hell no." My voice was definitely more confident than I felt. I was talking to people who could control elements of life that could kill me in less then a nano second. But still I was holding my ground, even as I was chipping through my second layer of nail polish. 

"Are you sure sweetie?" The lady was trying not to lose her temper, " We don't want to have to force you to come against your own will." I don't think she did this to Sam. Sam was an Imperial they let stay here She lives real close to me. All she does is heal plants, so I must be able to do more. 

"Why do you want me to come anyways?" I cocked my head to the side hiding my now ruined nails. How did they find me anyways? And how didn't they find me when they found Sam? My head was buzzing with the steady hum of unanswered questions. 

"Well you are the final member of the most important prophecy to our people. So in our eyes you will save the world." the lady tried to act inspiring, but trust me she wasn't. 

"So what is my 'special power'. If I am as special as you say I am then that means I could probably whoop your ass." I had only spoken my mind since I knew now that I was extremely valuable and they were going to take me anyways. But thinking about it, it would have been a better decision to ask her what her power was. Since she could possibly manipulate death.

"You control the weather, while I control death." Wow I could control weather! Score one for me! But the fact that she could control death? I was spot on, maybe I was also a mind reader. Wait... Control death! 

"B-but you wouldn't kill me right?" I started to sweat maybe this woman would kill me. Or at least she acts like it. 

"N I won't kill you, but would it kill you to hurry up?" I could tell she wasn't talking to me in the last part. I noticed that she was wearing a wire. The phone communication thingy one not the other kind of wire. God why does technology take so much effort? 

She looked at me and knew that I understood. "I'm talking to your roommate she's trying to get your chemical signature." I officially knew that this woman was crazy. Now was for my final attempt at escape.

"BLOODY MURDER! BLOODY MURDER!" I kept shouting hoping someone would hear me. Which people did first they tried to do something, then they saw the Imperial lady and looked away. All except Sam.

"Don't worry Gale I'll save you!" Sam did something I've never seen before. She grew huge vines from straight out of the ground, then she jumped on them and they made their way towards me. She and the vines raced towards me and the woman. 

"Samantha I must ask you to stop this attack, I'm having Seika bring you too." I was kinda mad but at least Sam would be there with me at the academy. Oh yeah by the way, Sam is my sister. My older sister to be technical. I was adopted so she cared a lot about me. We didn't have all that sister rivalry crap like other sisters. And earlier when I told you about Sam I didn't lie. She does live real close, as in my house real close.

Wait I just remembered something! I have lightning, maybe! So how does this imperial thing work? Should I think lightning and it will appear? Or do I like concentrate on what I want and where? And where should I shoot? The lady? I don't think so. I'm not even going to think about Sam...

"Gale, move!" I turn my head just in time to see my sister try to push me out of the path of a brilliant beam of light. Then to see my sister disappear into tiny little sparkles right before my eyes. And after her sparkles shot up into the heavens.

"I'm pretty sure lightning dosen't do that." I state out loud. I couldn't have shot her! that just wasn't possible! And now the woman is laughing at me! If she wasn't wearing a suit  she would probably be rolling around on the ground with laughter!

"How dare you laugh at my sister being incinerated!" I yell at the woman only to see her vaporize. Serves her right, I mean how could... And then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2014 ⏰

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