Pasta camp pg.1chapter 1

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Distortion laid in the grass with smile dog and masuku outside the male cabin at pastacamp.

"Hey,smell that?" Masuku raised her about in the air.

"Yeah masky,slender,Jeff and.......something I don't recognize."smile replied yawning then curled slightly."It's human." Screamed distortion as she bolted up.

Up the hill came Jeff,masky,slender and a boy.

"Masuku." Masky shouted

Masuku got up and walked over.the spooky thing about her was she could turn human in a blink of an eye.

"Students meet Toby."slender raised his voice.

"He's human"snarled distortion hackels raised."why did you bring him?!" She snarled louder and unsheathed her claws

"What you got against humans dis?" Smiles asked.

"I used to know a lot of them theirs liars all of THEM!" She crouched her pupils retracted to dots.

A warm hand made her jump to reality

"Calm down,hes pretty cool"

She looked and saw Jeff even though his face had a permant smile she could tell he was trying to smile warmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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