The Dream Come True

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It was a surprisingly bright October morning. The temperature was cool, and the red and yellow leaves crunched beneath my feet as I walked to school. I walked through the gates of my school, Convent of The Sacred Heart, and smiled slightly. As much as I hated my school and everyone in it, it had special significance to me; it was where my idol used to go to. Going to a catholic school, it was heavily frowned upon that I idolized Lady Gaga, but I just didn't care. People were funny about her. Half of the teachers talked about her as if she was the devil himself, the other half like she was their prize student. I, on the other hand, had a completely different opinion of her. She was the sun and stars to me. I would've been nothing without her. Everyone at school knew about my so called "obsession" with her, and I was constantly picked on for it, but at the end of the day it never mattered because I had her.

I walked into my first period class and got my English book out of my backpack. Sister Margaret came in moments later and said she had an announcement. "Today we will be visited by an alumni of our school. Many of you will probably recognize her. You are to be on your best behavior no matter what your opinion of this person is." I looked up. "Surely this isn't who I think it is..." I thought feeling my palms get sweaty with anticipation. "We will be visited today by Stef-" "YES!" I screamed internally, "ani Germanotta. Who many of you know as Lady Gaga." Everyone, including Sister Margaret, looked back at me. I bit my lip trying to keep from breaking out into hysteria. There was a light knock at the door and my heart stopped. A second later the door was opening and a heavenly sight filled my eyes. The one and only Lady Gaga stepped into the room wearing a Louis Vuitton white button down, with long golden curls. "Hello!" She said with her beautifully magnificent voice. I smiled at her in pure amazement. This was my idol. Gaga introduced herself and told us why she was there, to speak against bullying. She then went around and had us all say our names and one fact about ourselves. Once it was my turn Gaga looked at me with a smile and I froze. "M-My name i-is A-Abby and I... I... Um... I love you." I blurted. Everyone looked at me and snickered as my face grew bright red. "What the fuck did I just do?" I thought. I looked up to see Gaga's head tilted and a giant smile on her face. "Oh you do?" She asked, beginning to walk towards me. I started shaking as she inched closer and closer to me. "Well Abby, I love you too!" She said, hugging me tightly. I hugged back, getting lost in the tightness of her embrace. She let go after a minute but leaned down and whispered, "Wait for me after class." I nodded, and she headed back up to the front of the room to continue on her lecture. When the bell finally rang I sat and waited for everyone to file out, then walked over to Gaga. "Hi dear! Let's go somewhere and talk." She said, taking my hand into hers. She led me to the library and sat me down at one of the tables. We sat and talked for hours. I told her that she saved my life, and that she meant the world to me. Everything seemed perfect. Everything was perfect. When it was time for her to leave she hugged me tightly and whispered, "Never forget how much I love you. Believe in yourself, you are going to be something in this world Abby." I smiled and a tear slipped from my cheek. She kissed my forehead, gave me another squeeze, and then she was gone.

Once the school day was over I quickly ran home, excited to tell my family about what happened. I walked through the door to find both of my parents sitting on the couch, their hands massaging their temples. When they heard the door shut they looked up with wide eyes and stood up. "What's going on?" I asked, taking a cautious step forward. "Abby... Something happened sweetie..." My mom said. She walked over and took my hand into hers, then led me over to the open laptop. "Sit here, and read this." She whispered, setting her hand on my shoulder. I looked at the computer screen to see an article. I read the headline and felt my heart stop beating.

"WHAT!?!?! NO!!!!!" I screamed.


trolololol it gets so bad. y'all are gonna hate me.

this ones for you olive <3

there will only be one more chapter, it's a short story. xx

xoxo Jenna

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