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BEFORE YOU BEGIN! Please take a moment to read this little blurb: I (the author of this fanfiction/profile) am a self-published author as of January 2024. My debut novel is called: Prophecy Within the Moons, and you can find it on Amazon.com or any Amazon website that you have. It's also on Kindle. If you choose to buy it, I appreciate the support because this is my first major step into becoming a professional author.  Thank you to all of you.  Without the encouragement under these stories from Wattpad I don't think I would have chosen this career path.

Now enjoy the story :)


i'm bad at love
but you can't blame me for tryin'
you know i'd be lyin' sayin'
you were the one
that could finally fix me
lookin' at my history
i'm bad at love

november 26 — monday

"hey Finn!" a highly pitched female voice squeaked next to the pale boy's ear. he jerked from his spot sitting at the lunch table, making him accidentally spill water on himself and his friends to laugh lightly. but Finn knew who the voice belonged to and cringed just the slightest. he placed a fake smile upon his features before turning to face the person who had interrupted his break away from the classes he will soon be attending shortly.

"hi Millie" he replied less enthusiastic. "was there so-" he was cut off by the female taking the only empty seat beside him. he was shocked by her suddenly invading his personal space. he watched as she grabbed a rather large book from her school bag and place it down in front of the two. he raised an eyebrow in confusion and even flashed his few friends a questioning look. all they did was shrug in response.

"okay, so i know i could of asked anyone else in this school to give me their opinion, but i really wanted yours. so..." she flipped the book open to a page, before beaming brightly. "i feel like your opinion is the only one that really matters" the page had a sketch in it. but not just any sketch. it was a sketch of Finn. and of course the pale boy with black curly hair just sat there and gawked in awe. she had gotten practically every detail just right. she truly did have a gift. he just hoped that she didn't waste it on drawing him. she absolutely adored Finn, while he didn't blink even an eye towards her.

"it's amazing Millie!" Finn finally spoke, with a simple smile placed against his lips. Millie on the other hand squealed with delight, grabbing onto his arm.

"really!? because at first i thought it looked terrible, and that i should have changed it a little" she rambled and releasing her grip on Finn's arm. he grasped the spot that she had currently clawed at, before nodding his head sheepishly.

there went that very annoying giggle again.

don't get Finn wrong, he thought Millie was a wonderful person. sweet, kind, pretty. but he hated how she tried so hard. basically the whole school knew that she had a crush on him. and with her constantly showering him with affection, he found it kind of repulsing. "thanks Finn! see you later!" she had gotten up from her spot next to him and collected her things. but before she actually left, she bent down and placed a light peck against his cheek. he looked back at her in shock, causing a red tint to flow to her cheeks. and with one more giggle, she skipped away and out of the cafeteria.

"she's a keeper" one of Finn's friends Caleb chuckled, and after shoving a grape in his mouth. the rest of the group laughed along, while Finn threw him a glare. he huffed before placing his head down on the lunch table.

"oh don't worry, it'll get better. and then you two will make amazing babies together" another friend named Sadie had spoken up, rubbing at Finn's back. his head instantly snapped up, the look of horror lacing his features as he looked at the red head.

"i need a way to show her that i'm not interested" Finn sighed.

"with how obsessed she is, i think you could be dating Jesus himself, and she would still pin after you" Finn's friend Gaten stated, causing his friend group to agree. Finn rolled his eyes. he pushed his tray of food away as he suddenly just lost his appetite. he needed to find a way to stop Millie from constantly throwing herself at him.


"could you all stop pestering me about this? i'll have a relationship when i'm ready. not to mention that basically all the guys at this school are straight" small boy Jack blurts. he watches as his friends just wave him off, obviously getting ready to throw another remark his way.

"you don't know that. you never put yourself out there to see" one of Jack's friends Jaeden replied back. Jack rolled his eyes with a scoff.

"i don't even wanna hear it from you. all you and Wyatt do is suck each others faces. wake up and smell the gay! you two have each other, whether you make it official or not" Jack explains clearly frustrated. "and i'm not going to interrupt whatever you two have going on, because that would just be wrong" both boys Jaeden and Wyatt blushed under such words.

"we just want you to be happy" another one of Jack's friends named Sophia soothed. Jack watched her upset expression and quickly softened his so he was less irritated.

"and i understand that. but why can't i be happy without being in a relationship?" Jack wondered. he placed his head in the palm of his hand that was propped up. he twirled his food with a fork, as he didn't really want to even eat anymore.

"we think that you'll find the experience of love pretty interesting. you'll be happy from it. we'll be happy from it. could you at least consider finding a partner?" Sophia pouted. Jack just looked at her annoyed.

his friends have been bugging him about beginning a relationship ever since, they found out his sexuality. they found it highly interesting at first, and began teasing him with a bunch of guys that went to the same school. it ended up with them really wanting him to find that special someone. a conversation he always dreaded to have.

"you know what? i'll do it. just so you all could stop annoying me about it" Jack sighed. his friends cheered, while Jack tried to figure out how he's going to manage to find a partner without embarrassing himself in front of a bunch of guys.

 his friends cheered, while Jack tried to figure out how he's going to manage to find a partner without embarrassing himself in front of a bunch of guys

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I know I may be late on the whole thing, but I just now got the courage to write my gay sons a book. Hope you all enjoy, and until next time...

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