Chapter 1 - red umbrellas

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You know when you feel like you stick out like a sore thumb, well that's exactly how I feel everyday. You thought you were 'different' to other people? well let's see how different you really are.

First of all I'm a dark witch, but you, your human. Just plain old basic human with a little drama in your life and wants to be Miss popular or you just want to blend into the walls and just get over your high school years in a flash, Me however, quite hard to miss, I don't even try to stick out, I just do because of my pink/purple striped hair and tattoo I was born with.

Luckily the school allows us to have tattoo and colourful hair, since they like to express individuality

Seconds of all I cannot die, if you think throwing water on me is going to kill me, your completely wrong.

All those fiction book and movie you read about the Wizard of Oz is practically a lie. You think magic doesn't exist, well then you don't know a single thing about the world. Magic may seen wonderful but it also dangerous

You know what they say 'what goes around come back around.'


"Athena, I'm leaving now! Make sure you do your chores" I heard aunt Kora shout she left head into town.

"Yes aunt kora" I sighed.

I went out into the forest to do some training, I couldn't always rely on my powers, in case my powers had some how been taken away I had to defend my self from attack that may occur.

I don't remember much about my parents but I knew the both loved me. Aunt Kora is a light witch like my dad and my mum was dark witch.

I'd only found aunt kora couple years ago after escaping my kidnappers that had separated me and my parents.

I only had one best friend Evangeline. She an alpha of her pack, she had to kill her mother to become an alpha. Her mother was sick and she wanted Evan to fall in line of her family's generation of Alphas. It still haunts her till this day but her dad was their and he understood and as did I.

Over the years I had picked up on some of my light magic, my main strength was my dark magic but I couldn't bare to hurt people anymore.

I started of with the basics, healing plants and nature and then hopefully people.

"Elementum recolligo huic commodo locus mihi vestri vox. Elementum ego unda dico vos.
Permissum Pluit es est meus nos sic vadum is exsisto!". I chanted.

I slowly felt specs of rain fall on my head and then a bucket full of rain pouring down, the roots of the trees absorbed the water and the plants flushed with vibrance. I listened to the pitter patter of the rain.

I heard a twig snap and turned my back around quickly.

"Who's there!" I yelled but no one answered "I'm warning you right now! Who there"

I heard breathing coming from the tree in front of me. I motioned my hands at the vines.

"Argh!" I heard a man yelped.

The vines coiled around him, securing him to the tree. Messy, Blonde hair was what I saw, brown eyes with specs of gold and the most warming smile ever.

"Who are you?" I asked stepping forward.

"Let me go!" He yelled

"Who are you" I repeated

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