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Wayne was traversing the twisted landscape with his newly acquired companion, Somsnosa. Currently, he was looking to gain another one. After maybe an hour of walking and battling fleshstaches, the pair arrived at some sort of bar. Walking inside, Wayne was greeted by the smell of cigarettes and booze. On a small stage were two females doing some sort of performance. One was pitch black playing a piano-like instrument. The other was pure white singing a nonsensical song. Somsnosa stopped to listen to the tune for awhile. Wayne regarded the pair onstage for a moment before continuing toward the bartender. Said bartender seemed to notice the crescent-headed male walking towards her. She grinned, her fangs glinting from the stage lights. She shook her head, "Wayne! Good to see you again!" "Same to you Jezebel", he replied. " You need anything? I know you wouldn't have come all this way for a lousy drink right?" "Yeah about that. I need a favor Jez. Have to overthrow a tyrant today. Thought you'd be interested. Wanna join us?" Wayne explained in his usual laid back tone. "Would I!?" Jezebel jumped over  the counter, obviously stoked. Jezebel has joined your crew!

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