My Ex Is An Asshole

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Okay so this story goes from August 22nd up until January 15th and I may update it if my ex continues to annoy me. So basically my school year started August 21st and I was going to a new school. I went through the day fine. Same goes for the next day. At the end of my last class on that day this guy came up to me. Complimented my hair which had been dyed at the time. We were talking about music and such and had alot in common. We exchanged numbers he left. Me and my friend walked home she said he (at the time) liked me. I didn't believe her. So we ended up walking to a food place by my school. This boy texted me. I was texting  him and talking  to my friend and then texting in this groupchat me and my friend where in. My dad ended up picking me up and most of this time my friend was talking to me about him. We dropped her off at home. Then my dad drove me home. I went into the house and went to my room where I carried on talking to him. The next day at lunch we sat together his friends sat near us aswell. Now this one friend of his was saying stuff like "oh you want some condoms" "Ill buy you some condoms extra small right". I was uncomfortable so was  he. I thought she always was like that so I thought she was an ass. She had another friend I didn't meet for another day or two maybe a week. Anyways they let us out so we could go outside so we grab our bags and go outside throw them down and walk the track (I go to a rich kid school where like kids are good kinda they don't steal its a fine arts school it used to be bad now its good). We ended up walking the track together and talking. The day before he had said he wanted to ask this girl out (Im an idiot) anyways I asked him about it. He didn't tell me anyways fast forward we didn't see eachother much for the rest of the day. Just in the passing periods. We talked briefly afterschool tried having him come to the park by my house he couldn't though. It begun raining so he biked home and I tried walking ended up stopping at the food place and my mom got me. She dropped me at the house and I went in as she lives somewhere else. Me and him texted back and forth after he got home. He randomly started a game of truth or dare as we played we both ended up trying to find out who the other liked. Then as the last question just because I was getting bored he asked the last two letters of the person I liked name. Then he asked me out. I said yes. We talked alot and facetimed every night for a week. Then he said his friends took his phone. The night before I had gotten texts saying "I know about Thom we're breaking up have a nice life" I was really hurt replied and it went back and forth. This happened as I walked home that day and I got locked out of my house so I had to wait on my front porch for my dad to get home. I have various online friends and I told them what happened. I was almost crying. My dad got home and I went to my room. I told my friends what happened. One asked for his number but I didn't give it to her. The next day at school his friend saying shit at lunch another girl idk if I had met yet and some guy came up to me. They said he had cheated and I believed them. My friend wanted to kill him I looked at him made eye contact and looked away. I told another friend what happened as she did not use her phone much. We all talked and then went to our first periods. After first and second period I met up with my friend who had math with him. He asked apparently if I was ignoring him she told him what I told her. Then asked if I lied I said no. After lunch when I got up to go outside I approached him we made up yada yada. We were smooth sailing with a few arguments just from my self image which is improving as I begin to transition just not medically. Then on September 6th his friend who said shit at lunch came up to me saying he was breaking up with me I didn't believe her. But then on the 8th we facetimed he asked if we where still friends i said yes. Then told him about this he said sorry and we didnt really talk for like 2 weeks. Then he sent me a text asking to get back together. He had tried to call me but I denied as I was showering he texted me I remember this text conversation decently well so I am going to put it in.

"Ainsley please"

"Please answer me"

"I just text it to you and hope to god you read it"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2018 ⏰

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