Acceptance - chapter 1 - Life at the moment

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My phone alarm made my side table vibrate. I groaned . School. It's funny how it's meant for education, but so many other things happen in school. I laughed to myself as I rolled out of bed, half asleep.

As I walked through the hallways my footsteps echoed. I usually went to school early when there was hardly anyone there to avoid conversations and name calling etc. I sorted out my books in my locker and done my same old boring morning routine. Eventually I sat outside on the cold metal bench; waiting for the school to liven up. I was just about to get lost in thought when someone came and taped me on my shoulder. It was a girl that looked around my age. Except clear skin, long silky hair and curvy in the right places. Of course that was just the basics. She looked effortlessly perfect. I was daydreaming again until I heard someone's voice "Hello? Hello? Answer me nerd!" she snapped her fingers in my face repeatedly. When I had finally registered what she said to me i attempted to reply but it didn't turn out well "W-w-wha-oh your talking to me? Oh I'm s-sorry I d-didnt mean to-" she rudely interrupted me and said "whatever just move somewhere else because this is kind of where I normally sit so move please and thank you". She pushed me off as I struggled to gather my things. She rolled her eyes at me in disgust and I looked down ashamed. This wasn't just any girl, it was Jade. The "Top Girl" of the school.

Usually I would've cried but I had gotten used to it. I was there to learn and to get out. No matter how much name calling I had to ignore. Ugghhh. I hate school.

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