Found and captured

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You look at him through the scope of your gun as you were surrounded by the dead beaten bodies of your 'friends'. Your breathing was heavy and your fear was high. This hole situation triggering your PTSD badly. You had been trying to protect your 'friends' with your life yet you were no match for him.

You grit your teeth, holding back a loud sob and a massive amount of tears so you can keep your sight clear. You took one gulp as he smirked at you. You squeezed the trigger of your rifle, with all your strength, and it fired at him, the gun making a loud bang as it shot the bullet towards him. It hit him in the shoulder and he didn't even flinch. No noise coming from him as the impact happened. He just stared at you, tutting softly.

You try to fire again yet this time it only makes a click noise and no bullets fly out of the barrel, you were out of ammo. You instantly swing your gun around so it hangs from your back and you sprint down the corridor of the hideout.

Your heart rate raised to its highest peek, you now starting to let a small amount of tears roll down your cheeks.

You could hear the calm footsteps of him as he strolled after you, him humming a creepy tune as he does so.

As you run and run you pass notes on the wall saying 'Be careful of him' in big red font over the photo of the man you were running from. You gulp, now learning that this was something you know is true.

Eventually you reach a room that is packed with crates of food and you hide between multiple of the wooden boxes. You realise how loud your breathing is and cover your mouth, trying to calm yourself.

Come on Y/N! Calm down!

You think to yourself as you pray that he doesn't find you. There was a long silence and you finally calm down, assuming he left. You hugged your knees to your chest and remember each different death of your 'friends'. You never really got on with anyone expect for your best friend, who you knew you'd never see again. You were told that everyone else was your friend but all they really were is people who just decide to be kind and help your mental state, like an unwanted therapist, not your friends at all.

You sit there for about 5 minutes more before deciding that the coast is clear and slowly walk out of the little spot you were hiding in.

As you make your way to the door you freeze upon seeing him.

"Found you~" he tauntingly said, a sick twist to his words which would make you shudder, but not at this moment. You were too frozen too.

He slowly approached you and smirked, gripping onto your shoulder tightly. He quietly studied your face and body, smirking as he spoke again

"You'll be a perfect prisoner!" He said, an almost happy tint in his voice. But upon hearing those words you could not see how anybody would be able to say that happily.

Your eyes widen and your breath hitches. Did he just call you prisoner? What is he gonna do to you? You panicked, trying to struggle out of his grasp but his grip was unbreakable. You squealed as he squeezed your shoulder tighter as a punishment for trying to escape.

He ran his hand down your arm and got a tight grip on your wrist. You flinching at his touch. You had never been touched by him before and it frightened you extremely. You glare at him and he looks at you, a obvious pissed and sacred look on your face.

Suddenly a dark portal opens up in front of you two, black and purple mixing together to make a beautiful yet terrifying combination. You tried to resist as he starts to drag you through it. He tugs your forward making you loose your balance and fall into the portal. A big white flash fills your vision and you close your eyes. After a moment you open them back up and you blink multiple times to make your eyes adjust.

Once you could see you looked around, it was a warm room with a bed in the corner, 1 small window, a desk and a lone chair next to a bright large lamp. You gulped upon seeing this, assuming this was your new home for a while.

He throws you into the bed and you yelp in surprise, what exactly did he plan with doing with you as his helpless prisoner?

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