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In a nondescript express freighter about a week's travel from Federation space two humanoid figures with felinoid features sit patiently at a table.

"There we should have visual shortly." These words came from speakers on either side of a large screen on the wall opposite the table.

One of the figures presses a button on a box set on the table, "Thank-you Singen. Are the files ready for upload as soon as we have the connection?"

"Yes, Commander Yashi... We have contact now sir."

The screen lit up with the image of three humanoid figures one felanoid and to his left and right smooth skin figures with blunted features, flat teeth, and saffron-colored skin "Commander Yashi, Researcher Nacomi This is researcher Seras to my right and administrator Wolfgang to my left. What do you have to report?"

"Yes, Fleet Commander Tanaca, the files are transferring now, Nacomi will cover the highlights and answer your questions." Turning his head to look at Nacomi, Yashi said: "Carry on."

"Yes, Fleet Commander, Commander, Researcher, Administrator. Their transporter technology is similar to ours, and we have succeeded in intercepting three transporter signals before they began to adjust for the disturbance. We intercepted no com traffic suggesting that they suspect anything other than innocuous anomalies. We cut off further attempts to avoid detection. If masked in some way, we can transport on to their vessels. Weapon signatures would of course be blocked, but one or two life forms of familiar pattern would not routinely be blocked."

"So, a spy could be sent over?"

"Yes Researcher, but I don't think that would work," replayed Nacomi. "There vessels routinely carry psychic crew members. We have surveyed several races and species, and have transporter patterns of most of them. The one of most interest they call a chakat, they are taurform, felinoid, hermaphroditic, and appear to be engineered. What files we have intercepted and processed indicate that this species came from the same world as the smooth-skinned sample. What is most interesting, if we can believe the files, these are psychic and the ability seems to be tied to the body."

"Excuse me 'psychic' what do you mean by that?"

"Eh yes, Researcher Seras. As you know the work on developing psychic abilities in any of the trustworthy races in the empire has been going poorly. Whether by accident or design these creatures seem to have succeeded. They all apparently have some ability to perceive the emotions of those around them. Some can at will send emotions to those around them even across species...."

Fleet Commander Tanaca broke in at this point, "What tactical value is this? Can they send information? What is there a range? Can they be convinced to work for the empire?"

Commander Yashi spoke up to answer "They can send and receive emotion and feelings only. This would be very useful for interrogation and is why a spy would be detected rapidly. Range seems to be an individual variant and a function of how well sender and receiver know each other. Over short distances two or three hundred units..."

"If I may Fleet Commander?" spoke the administrator for the first time cutting him off, "Commander Yashi this project of yours is consuming assets that may be better utilized elsewhere."

So here is the real power, thought Commander Yashi. "Administrator we are well into preparations for an experiment to test the value of using these 'chakats' for tactical advantage."

"How long would that require?" asked the administrator.

"Sixty standard cycles as we currently have it scheduled, and that much again to analyze the results administrator." If Nacomy was right one of these chakats with an intellect pattern from an unprepared subject would make an effective psychic grenade. All the attempts to develop a 'fear transmitter' so far have failed, and that project had recently been canceled. Yashi hoped that he had asked for enough time to show some results. This was much better duty than most of his assignments of late, and he hated the political debriefing sure to come.

"Forty-five cycles, then if you have promising results you may continue, if not your vessel will be sent to work on the 'cyborg' communication problem." Then turning to Fleet commander Tanaca, "forgive me I have other matters to attend to." With that, the administrator left the conference.

We are taking heavy losses in that sector of space, thought Yoshi. And from the pained look on Nagomi's face, his friend's thoughts were no more comforting. Fleet commander Tanaca looked visibly relieved to have the administrator gone. The entire transmission was, of course, monitored and copied, but the Fleet commander would give him what cover he could. Military people just did not trust political operatives. This 'administrator' was smart enough to get some power and obviously ambitious, always a bad combination for everyone around them.

The conference continued for another hour but the important things had already been said, now they were just going through the motions.  

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